The disposable cell rings!
Sparks we must go to London
We have to look for something there
And two people inquiring
Draws less attention than one
And it allows separation
I need you to run interference
Or search while I do
What are we looking for?
Really Sparks?
No, you’re right I’m sorry
How long this time?
At least four days
Book a one-way flight
And when you arrive
Call me from Heathrow
Use the number in your phone
Be there Sunday
Ok, Sunday
Hot date?
Susan knew who would call
on that phone
Just the evil doctor woman
I think she wants me for my body
She should talk to someone
Obviously low self-esteem issues
So we’re going to London?
That wasn’t really a question was it?
Not really, no
Besides you owe me paperboy
Owe you, for what?
And not telling me until you got back
(Randall pivots)
Low self-esteem?
(Susan laughs)
Relax, I was messing with you
My God, it’s London!
Do you know how many bookstores?
How many publishing houses?
And shopping?
You owe me for charity work
Charity work?
(she laughs)
Yes, putting up with you
And it’s probably deductible
The charity work?
The trip silly
Because of all the publishers
During the day
You can be James Bond
And I’ll explore London
At night we can enjoy each other
Or you can go alone
With the hot doctor
It’s up to you?
Two tickets sounds wonderful
Glad to help clear that up honey
Might have been a misstep
London will be better
Especially with Susan there
Still, she brought it up
I wonder if she wonders?
Was another place
Another time
Another test
Another me
A ghost
Thank God
Bars of guilt
Sweat of betrayal
Not of the ones we love
But of who we become
If we allow
Even a moment
To falter
Guilt stalks
Truth can set you free
You may never
Our silent prison
One bullet
Two hearts
Bars of guilt
A near misstep
Indelible ink
Want that
On your conscience?
Be smart
Wake up!
“Try to keep up will you”
Where are you?
You don’t want me to go?
I definitely want you to go
What you said
(he pauses)
I don’t want anyone else
I love you
Ah baby I know
I was teasing you, I’m sorry
I just wanted you to know
I do know
And I appreciate it
That’s so sweet
Thank you
Sometimes I forget
That my big tough guy
Is all soft and squishy inside
Are you teasing me again?
No love I’m not
I’m just trying to say
I love you back
The same way
If I was teasing
I’d have called you a Chicophiliac
What’s that supposed to mean?
An emotional bleeder
I will get even someday
Don’t ever count on it
(she smiles)
As for Minneapolis
The reason a guy won’t shut up
About his girlfriend?
Is that he’s attracted to the girl
He won’t shut up to
And he’s upset about it
So he overcompensates
Being attracted isn’t a sin
If you don’t give in
Man who’s not attracted to L
Probably doesn’t have a pulse
When a girl knows her guy
She expects him to be attracted
She wants him to resist it
And come home
Some don’t
They love their girl alright
They just love themselves more
And some come partly home
But he’s not the guy that left
A girl knows
Either way it’s a shame
Before her guy comes home
He's got to dismiss the attraction
And let go of his guilt
Since she already did
When he came home
Then he’s home and life goes on
So yeah I get it and I love you
And that’s all I have to say
About Minneapolis
Do they teach you girls this
In some secret class?
No baby
I'm just smarter than you
It takes a village
Lucky for you
The hot doctor told the truth
Heathrow airport
A glass world
skywalks and sculpture
UK’s premier international airport
second busiest in the world
busiest in Europe
Collage of yesterday and tomorrow
with so much to see
Choose a little, enjoy your time
Takes a second lifetime to see it all
Welcome to Britain
Arrival at Heathrow
Randall calls Lydia
on the disposable phone
We’re here at the airport
You and Susan?
Glad she could make it
Good to include her
She can’t come with us
Where we need to go
But that’s only part of the day
I booked a room in your name
At Abbey Guest House in Abingdon
It’s a Bed and Breakfast, very nice
Do you have a pen?
Write this down
I do have a pen
136 Oxford Road
Abingdon, Oxon OX14 2AG
Telephone number is
01235 537020
Get to Oxford
By airline coach service
Which runs direct from Heathrow
Or catch a rail from Paddington
The coach costs about half
Yes it’s northwest of London
About sixty miles
Have you got that?
Got it
Good then
When you get to the Oxford Station
Get on the X3 bus to Abingdon
The bus will take the slip road
off the A34
A34 is a dual carriageway road
Then up a hill and left
To a roundabout
Once past the roundabout
Wait to ring the exit bell
Until just past the next stop
The driver won’t stop
If you don’t ring the bell
You want the ‘South Avenue’ stop
It’s the second past the roundabout
Cross the road and down a bit
Look for 136, Abbey Guest House
Ride takes about twenty minutes
But if you miss the stop
Get off at the Boundary House
It’s the third stop
You’ll have to walk back
Did you get all that?
Yes and I recorded it
But where’s Paddington?
Go to the information kiosk
Ask for the Heathrow express
To Paddington
Or take a taxi there
What’s Paddington?
The train station
I just didn’t know is all
You’ve never been to London?
I haven’t been to the train station
Or Abingdon for that matter
When you get settled in
Call me
We’ll discuss tomorrow
Ok good
Tomorrow’s a busy day Sparks
Is the train station
Of course paperboy!
Harry Potter took the train
From Paddington station
To get home from central London
I knew that
But it doesn’t surprise me
That you did
So where’s Abingdon?
Near Oxford
About sixty miles from London
Or a hundred kilometers
Are there bookstores in Abingdon?
I don't know
Are we taking the train?
Of course
She said it costs more
But for Harry Potter
Definitely the train
Abbey Guest House
This place is amazing!
Lydia is amazing
And the owner, Terry?
She’s wonderful!
She told me so many sites to see
And bookstores here in Abingdon
Oxford too!
She said Abingdon is the oldest
Continually inhabited town
In England
It drips with history!
I love you Mr. Sparks
You should see my encore
I don’t actually have an encore
And why do I seem to be talking
With a British accent?
I know, strange right?
It’s like once you step off the plane
The place takes you
So what do you think
A shower first
Then check out the Spread Eagle
Public House my lady?
Indeed my lord
The Spread it is
If it’s open Sunday
When in Abingdon!
Right then, but first
I suppose I’d better call the veil
Thank her for me paperboy
And call her Lydia
Calling Lydia
You said to call?
I did
You made it ok?
We did
In the morning
Catch the X3 bus to the Rail Station
The bus you took to get there?
Yes, the X3 bus
Any bus will get you to Oxford
But the X3 stops at the Rail Station
Try to get there by 7:00A.M.
I’ll meet you at the forecourt
You couldn’t tell me that before?
I’ll tell you more tomorrow
Besides, it’s the cell phones
I like to be thoughtful of the Civil
Trapping cell phones overseas
Must be an additional irritation
The more difficult the better
7:00A.M. at the station then
By the way
Susan says you’re a hero
This place is
Wonderful and awesome!
Glad she likes it
Tomorrow then
I feel irritated, don’t you?
Oh yes
Terribly irritated
Cell phone traps
Especially overseas?
Always make me feel
So irritated!
Yes, so irritated