Turkeys on the fence
What if?
A group of acid heads
Formed a think tank
Based upon a theory
Of imprinting principles
Established by Karl Marx
And Friedrich Engels
As conceived in the
Communist Manifesto
A certain amount of
Moral indifference
Would be necessary
In order to achieve
Absolute results
The fact that free people
Don’t aspire to such reality
Under one world governance
Is an unfortunate obstacle
But what if...
They could be motivated
To choose such a system
As the lesser of two evils?
“Burn down the system
To raise socialism
From the ashes”
What sovereign country
Would embrace such chaos
As to destroy itself
And what would that serve
If only one country
Embarked on that path?
Perhaps two countries
Could do battle such that
The world would be engulfed
In their conflict
But wait...
Regional conflicts
Occur without chain reaction
Quite often
It would require a war
Of significant impact
To ensure the entire world
Would be destabilized
It would have to be a war
Between two superpowers
Unilateral escalation
Would allow massive alignment
Of rational opposition
It’s impossible to bill
The fight of the century
With only one fighter
Tickets wouldn’t sell
And total annihilation
Would result in nothing left
To totally govern
You have to have a large
But scaled conflict
That would entice countries
To choose a moderate path
Exclusive of either contender
An adult in the room
And it wouldn’t hurt
If long standing structures
Of history, heritage, faith
Morality and cultural tradition
Were destabilized as well
Perhaps not completely
With proper agitation
Along traditional fault lines
A content world just might
Be susceptible to being
Knocked off balance
And antagonized to a point
Of irrational reflex
It’s a tensor exercise
Substantial vectors of force
Must be motivated
In opposition
A masterpiece composition
Preying on natural values
Of historically sound prejudice
Outrageous abuse of sensitivity
A world without balance
Cultural divide along lines
Of race, religion and politics
Contenders mustn’t discover
Their emotions are being exploited
They mustn’t think the tail
Is wagging the dog
That might incite pride
When fear is more effective
It’s critical to massage instincts
To get people to turn
Against each other
Without questioning why
Suspicion is useful
As long as it’s projected
Toward any conceivable target
Your suspicion is aroused now
But are you pissed yet?
You should be
A little more acid
And we can conjure up
An alternative world order
One with predefined rules
A world with intended winners
Which requires inevitable losers
Implementation must be subtle
It’s taken decades so far
Hypothetically of course
So let’s begin...
Perhaps you’ve noticed
You’re becoming anxious
As traditional lines between
Moderate left and right
Don’t make sense anymore
Beliefs once understood
Have become blurred
Causing you to question
What you thought you knew
Which makes you uncomfortable
Which makes you scared
Which makes you angry
This is because you’re a pawn
Regardless of which side you’re on
Do the elitist math
Six billion people
Two billion is “sustainable”
Six minus two is four
Hard choices must be made
If you knew this
You’d be on the inside
And it would all make sense
Surely you’re not hung up on
Traditional sovereignty
That’s simply unsustainable
Sovereignty is a problem
It’s a great place to start
These aren’t my beliefs
I’m just playing Devil’s advocate
As if I were an acid head
Sorting it all out...
As if I were morally indifferent
As if I were insane
Let’s face it
The world won’t mobilize
Debt and weapons of war
Embraced by public approval
Without an existential threat
We need a cause
A substantial cultural shift
Pitting incompatible worlds
Against each other
Historically, religion works
Perhaps the Old Order Amish
They reject and oppose
Many ways of modern culture
But a sufficient threat
They are not
Horse drawn carriages
Simply don’t creep people out
And their idea
Of a roadside bomb
Is something the horse left
Enroute to town
The fact that they’re peaceful
And have never attacked anyone
Doesn’t inspire fear
The threat must be larger
And it must be adequate
To cause a distracted world
To pay attention
Islamic fundamentalism
Is a perfect choice
Like the Amish they oppose
Advanced modern cultures
Unlike the Amish they hold
Deep motivations to subdue
With ambitions to expand
Demanding submission
It’s in their creed
But a secure world believes
It can’t be touched by anger
Emanating from sand dunes
Half way across the planet
To become a viable threat
That needs to change
They must be taught the arts
Of modern weapons and tactics
They must be armed
And mobilized
More on that soon...
It’s important to point out
That a religious conflict alone
Won’t weaken people’s grip
On their own sovereignty
Because for better or worse
They’re accustomed to it
An obvious existential threat
Will only draw them closer to it
We tend toward the familiar
Desire to make sovereignty
An option of potential risk
Is ill served by strengthening it
What we need is
A layered strategy
To erode culture and tradition
Identity and religion also
The change must be gradual
So the frog doesn’t notice
And leap out of the pot
As water comes to boil
Cloward and Piven strategy
Suggests collapsing the system
By overloading it
Who thinks like that
And which system?
Again, it’s a tensor study
We are each individual systems
With specific beliefs
Ripe for attacks and overload
Approaching from multiple fronts
What’s your age?
What’s your status?
What’s your gender?
What’s your race?
What are your principles?
What’s your faith?
What’s your history?
Any skeletons in your closet?
Who were your ancestors?
What did they do?
What didn’t they do?
How firm is your identity?
Are you proud of who you are?
What’s it mean to be proud?
What’s important enough...
To live or die for?
To kill for?
Are you a threat to the world?
Can you be tied to one?
Can you be shamed?
Do you covet?
Are you an oppressor?
Or a victim?
In the light of public scrutiny
How easy is it to overwhelm you
As a system?
We perceive these attacks
To be of many fronts
But what if they are one?
What if they’re not arbitrary?
What if they’re intentional?
Coordinated by rules
Written for radicals
Who is Alinsky?
If you value liberty
Your sovereignty is a target
How important is it to you
To defend it?
Paul Joseph Goebbels
Established the Ministry
For Public Enlightenment
And propaganda
In short...
The Ministry of Propaganda
Its focus to influence opinion
Favorably to the will of the state
Today it might be called
Mainstream and social media
To collapse the system
The system must be reached
But can such manipulation
Be successful?
It must be...
People are afraid and angry
Drug use and suicide is up
Seems like a number of ‘systems’
Are collapsing under load
Who thinks that way
And why would they do that?
One answer might suggest
It loosens our grip on sovereignty
Free thought adds to anxiety
Increases fear and depression
Threatens our best interests
Free thought is dangerous
Another answer would suggest
That fear is a survival instinct
Allowing reaction and flight
It’s an assault of attrition
Without morality and faith
With traditions erased
Patriotism and culture shamed
Of what value is our identity?
And of what use is our sovereignty?
Why shouldn’t we trade it
For security?
Enough on that for now
How can we arm fundamentalism
And win our next election?
The short answer is we can’t
The world won’t buy it
Unless we were to support
A helpless victim under attack
By a far superior aggressor
Examples might include
Contras against a Marxist regime
Iranians opposed to fundamentalism
Or a Russian invasion of Afghanistan
Openly we would be opposed
But secretly we find opportunity
To finance fundamentalism
For the sake of democracy
US Presidents make choices
Based on what they’re told
Such decisions are too important
To be trusted to four year elections
Effective leadership must span
And survive administrative winds
‘People deserve
collective judgement’
Collective judgement sounds like
Centralized governance
Enter crisis management
What possibilities accompany
A weaponized fundamentalism?
Alternatively stated
What advantages might be gained
By merging opposing cultures?
Fundamentalists desire expansion
But lack means and motivation
If Afghanistan is the victim
What’s Russia’s motivation?
Does it matter?
The aggression was adequate to
Arm and support fundamentalism
For the sake of the flag
The challenge remains
How to motivate the expansion
A massive campaign of war
Spanning multiple Islamic lands
Sparking an Arab Spring uprising
And refugee displacement
Across the entire world
Dissemination of fundamentalism
Across established opposing cultures
To Cloward and Piven the systems
Cultivating cultural chaos
And sovereign anxiety
Eventually escalating conflict
Again blamed on sovereignty
And it seems
At every circle of the wagons
Control is centralized
At the expense of sovereignty
Ultimately advancing control
But there had to be motivation
For the war across Islamic lands
Initially it was blamed on
Weapons of mass destruction
In response to the attack
Of September 11th, 2001
That was the event
That mobilized America
In the campaign for the flag
Lines were crossed
Crimes were committed
Lies were told and lives forfeited
To cover up those crimes
These lies included a mugging
An Islamic riot
And a YouTube video
We still haven’t established
The existential escalation
That would “burn down the system”
Spoiler alert
China’s the designated adult
in the room
The contenders are US and Russia
The initial escalation was in Syria
Over chemical weapons used
What if they weren’t
Assad’s weapons?
What if they came from Libya?
How did Assad do that?
Ultimately the initial attempt failed
And the theater was moved
to Ukraine
Where it continues today
Why are US biological weapons labs
Located in China and Ukraine?
What are the advantages
Of a global pandemic?
My suspicion is
WHO knows
And that’s UN-American
Will escalation succeed this time?
Let’s hope not.
Another attack on sovereignty
Arrives as the argument
For sustainability
Climate change and greenhouse gas
Forces farmers to turn off tractors
Concede their livelihoods
And destroy their animals
Farmers being
The ultimate sovereign souls
This completes the circle of...
Equity Sustainability and Governance
The common denominator of which
Is insanity
The merits of ESG can only be sold
By the Ministry of Propaganda
Backed by money and power
The CCP isn’t a contender in this race
It’s the consolidation destination
So while we’re all tangled up
In the debate of left and right
Or whether we’re ethnic enough
Or whose ancestors took what
From whom and when
Or if a country bumpkin pop star
Should be our moral compass...
The globalists are spinning us
And laughing
They’re stripping our identity
Sovereignty and liberty
While we’re distracted
The true contest is between
Globalists and the sovereign
Also known as nationalists
The fact nationalism is shamed
By the Ministry of Propaganda
Shows that the globalist know
Who their enemy is
Whether the sovereign do or not
So I stand with sovereign nationalists
Who live in every country
We don’t have to agree on anything
But I’ll still stand with you
And against globalism
It’s well past time
For the rest of you turkeys
To get off of the fence
Arise and wake up
Shall - 2024