The recorder is yours now
Read and become familiar with it
Instructions are in the bag
He asked me to help you
First, I have to apologize
For my initial rudeness
I was angry at you
Over Jonathan’s death
He shouldn’t have talked to you
That’s why he’s gone
I was angry with him as well
You were available
I understand
And you don’t have to be sorry
It's ok
I didn’t say I was sorry
Or wrong
You deserve an explanation
Don’t make more out of it
So how can I help you Mr. Sparks?
My note said to help you
Why did you use my name?
Your message said no names
But today you’ve said mine
Several times
Yet I’m not supposed to say yours?
Do you know what I look like?
I saw you at the funeral briefly
Yes but today
Do you know what I look like today?
That’s right
Because you followed my directions
What makes you think they know
Who I am?
What about me?
Mr. Sparks
A vulture knows who you are
You walked here in the open
With a scarf, big disguise
You could of taken out an ad
In your paper
Everyone near you is in danger
That’s why
You’re not allowed to say my name
I didn’t ask for this
I got a phone call
And ever since I’ve felt like
The turkey of honor in November
It’s not your fault Mr. Sparks
They picked you
You can call me Randall
You have no idea how I wish
I’d just not answered that call
I've been dragged away
By flood waters and now
I’m a threat to my girl
You’re not very strong are you?
I used to be
I thought I was
I'm supposed to be
Feel any better?
Kind of
Look Sparks all I know
Is Alan promised Jonathan
Then Alan asked me to help you
So, help you with what?
I don't know
And who’s Alan?
A friend
He was close to Jonathan
We worked on Jonathan’s project
Until he went into the asylum
And Alan moved to England
United Kingdom Allen?
A package came
From the United Kingdom
Dr. A. Phepps, Allen?
You know him?
I Knew him
He’s dead
Seems to be a pattern
For people around you
He sent me a package too
And they killed him for it
His last words said to help you
Help me what?
Why me?
I don’t know
But there was a key, an address
Your name and number
My package was the same!
Some place in Minneapolis?
I think mine said Saint Paul
They must be breadcrumbs
Dr. Warbel left us breadcrumbs
I’ve heard Jonathan say that before
So back here tomorrow?
Here has expired
City Place Food Court
Tonight 6:30P.M.
South-East corner of the park
Charles Street South to Park Plaza
Can you make it?
I know where it is
Find two adjacent tables
Push them together if you must
I’ll find you
Bring your recorder
Use the same protocol
Record the address from your note
Then hide the note and key
The keys were sent separately
Likely for a reason
We must respect that
I understand
Wait five minutes to leave
Take out my ear buds
Let them drop
See you tonight then?
(But she couldn’t hear him
She’d already left)
Play me.wav
In a coffee bar
Randall read the manual
familiarizing himself
with the recorder
On it was a recording
titled ‘Play me.wav’
he pressed play
It was her voice
“These are the rules for recording
Assume it will be compromised
Be brief and specific
Omit names or numbers
No times secrets or plans
Nothing they might use
Once played, delete promptly
Keep the recorder with you
Carry spare batteries
Delete this now”
It was the first in a long time
Randall hadn’t felt alone
The instructions caused a dilemma
How to record the address
without risking it
so he left out the city
Food court 6:30P.M.
A petite dark figure approaches
hooded sweat jacket grey
black hair
Hollywood sunglasses
She sits adjacent and diagonal
at last face to face
Recorders at the ready
ear buds exchanged
Her head tilted
she removes her glasses
and everything stops
Words thoughts everything
In an instant
her voice from the recorder
makes perfect sense
Because she’s perfect
Dr. Lydia Erin Carnegie
Smart confident reserved
Deceptively beautiful
Pouting lips
Emerald fire eyes
Sense of sun
Soft spoken voice
Emotional larceny
Touches you
Forget it
Seconds take minutes
Grasp tolerance
Fall back
Exactly driven
Dry humor
You miss it
Second wave
Flushed vulnerable
Guilty embarrassed
Did she notice?
”Careful there paperboy”
“Try to keep up”
Moment without trust
A brief moment
String a few together
Editor’s cut 09005
Randall’s focus on chaos in life
is witnessed from a safe sanctuary,
isolated from the events taking
place before him.
Susan breached that comfort zone
and it was a lot of change to get
used to.
Now he’s been drawn into the story
and for the second time his comfort
zone has been compromised.
This time by a compelled attraction
he’d never expected.
In this instant, his equilibrium’s been
struck dumb.
He’s shaken and ill equipped to
continue with any semblance of
grace or confidence.
Are you ok?
Yeah um yes
You were gone
Yes I’m a
It’s everything
All this
These recorders
Feel like wild game?
The hunted?
That's it!
Name’s Lydia
You can call me L
Jonathan did
(Randall clears his throat)
I’m Randall
That’s how it is at first Mr. Sparks
The shock passes
Fear and anger to follow
Think I'll call you Sparks
Lydia, nice
Jonathan said we couldn’t win
Then he went away
Did he say anything about me?
He was protecting me
He was a good man
He was
(she pauses)
Did he tell you about them?
The Civil?
Is that what he called them?
(she pauses)
Play me your address now
2516 Wabash Avenue 55114
I left out the city
Because of your instructions
It’s Minneapolis
My address is different
It’s in Saint Paul
We have to go there now
Of course!
Do you find this amusing Sparks?
Because I don’t
No not amusing
So when do we leave?
Tomorrow 7:00A.M. Logan
Delta Air flight 819
It leaves at 8:10A.M. sharp
7:00A.M. gives us time
To clear check in
Be there early Sparks
You need to rent a car
Delta 819?
7:00A.M. or before
Here’s your ticket
Your name is John Smith
You bought me a ticket
How did you?
Change the name at check-in
So it doesn't make the computer
They'll write it in
Rent a car under your name
Have it waiting when we land
Rent it for several days
They’ll hold the card number
Until the rental closes
And bring cash Sparks
It might buy some time
Before we’re traced
I’ll meet you in Minneapolis
At the car kiosk
Bring your key and the address
Don’t miss the flight
And don’t look for me
See you at the airport?
No, you won’t
You’ll see me at the car
In Minneapolis and not until
I told you, don’t look for me
Two targets are harder to track
And don’t draw attention Sparks
Thank you L
For helping me
Do I have a choice Sparks?
Do you?
In case Jonathan didn’t
Tell you
Or you missed it
Let me explain what this is
We are the prey
They have bullets we don’t
They know who you are
Probably me too
We have neither
I didn’t ask to be here
I don’t want to be hunted
Those before us are dead
I wouldn’t bet on us
As soon as I can get out
I’m gone and you should be too
If that’s possible
My help Sparks
Could get us both killed
So don’t read in
Don't assume anything
And don’t skip ahead
Are my words not clear?
A path provided
Technological crumbs
Presumably left
By men without hope
In hopes that they might
Make a difference
Would the birds get there first?