Lydia, did you know
About these Civil?
I did Danny
Jonathan mentioned them
So when Randall called them Civil
It was easier to use the name
And yes
I suppose they could be
Behind Jonathan and Allen’s death
As for who they really are?
I thought spies or government
Trying to discredit or steal his ideas
Then they killed him
So we still don’t know
Have you anything more
To tell us about your Civil?
My Civil?
Why are they my Civil?
Miss Lydia says they aren’t hers
Jonathan Warbel’s gone
They’re not mine
And they’re not Daniels
So Mr. Sparks
They must be yours
I suppose they must be
Jonathan spoke of a garden
Eve and the snake
A tree of good and evil
The garden of Eden?
Yes Phillip
He said they were there
But they weren’t behind it
They were just there
When Lucifer
Was cast down from Heaven
A third of the angels
Were cast down with him
In the beginning
God created Adam and Eve
Would have to be angels
There’s no reference to them
Correct Phillip
Why would there be?
Jonathan told me
The Civil were at the tower
They were responsible for it
And the confusion of tongues
The Bible credits God
With confounding of tongues
You must be mistaken
You’re right Liamsi
I could be
The Civil are angels?
Fallen angels Phillip
In league with Lucifer
Angry against God
Because of man
Angry because of us
In lore and scripture
Liamsi shares
It’s said sons of God
Came in to daughters of men
Conceiving Nephilim
Children who then grew up
To become giants
Great men of renown
Such stories instilled fear
In the hearts of enemies
Goliath was such a giant
He was a Philistine of Gath
Who presented himself forty days
Defying the of armies of Israel
Until a boy David, son of Jesse
Smote Goliath with his sling
Other angels lost their wings
They became mortal
Living for hundreds of years
It’s conceivable
They could ascend to power
The hypothesis of angels
Tell me Liamsi
If angels want to destroy man
Because they’re mad at God
And they have all this power
What’s stopping them?
Ah yes, the question Phillip
Why doesn’t God stop bad things?
Why doesn’t Satan destroy us?
Perhaps we should consider
The story of Job
It seems there are rules
In the hierarchy of Heaven and Hell
Principles governing good and evil
God cast Satan out of Heaven
God could stop anything he does
But what would it prove?
Satan was allowed
To destroy everything Job loved
To turn Job’s faith away from God
But Satan failed
Job’s faith was too strong
It’s our faith Satan covets
Our alliance and reliance on God
And God’s faithfulness to us
In order to hurt God
Man must turn away
Destroying us can’t kill our soul
Satan needs us to do that
The Civil want to kill the planet
Jonathan said
The Civil use our will against us
They control it
Somehow they shape it
He said
Satan believes in free will
The Civil don’t
There was evil in numbers
And the Civil control structure
From what Jonathan told me
They weren’t working with Satan
They were working alone
Perhaps not Randall
But if there were such a league
Not seeking to lure souls away
But instead intent to teach us
To destroy ourselves
By shaping culture and civilization
Civil would be a good name
And Babylonia the perfect place
Why Babylonia?
Are you a scholar Liamsi?
Yes Phillip, in a way I am
It’s an area of self-study
Quite interesting to me
And pertinent to our quest
Given the list of names we found
The Persian Gulf was once
A hundred miles further inland
Than it is today
In early Babylonian history
Towns like Ur and Eridu or Eri-dugga
Were considered costal
Eridu is a Semitic corruption
Of the old name Eri-dugga
Meaning “good city”
Eri-dugga without the hyphen
Was one of seven listed names
In the data file I showed you
Shirpurla was on the list
Kish was the other one
The rest were rulers or kings
Around 5000 years before Christ
In the Euphrates valley
These city-states or monarchies
Maintained such a state
Of cultural rivalry and progress
That the valley’s been called
The cradle of civilization
Not just of the Semitic world
But of Egypt as well
At that time there were
Many cultures and races
Primitive inhabitants
Were the Sumerians of Sumer
Of Sungir and Sennaar
Likely of Mongolian ancestry
Sumerians invented cuneiform
A cursive hand script
Developed out of picture-signs
Sumerians built the oldest cities
They brought peace and prosperity
To the country
They were gradually overcome
By Semites from the north
The Semites adopted and improved
The culture they had conquered
And the new culture spread
The first settlement was Eridu
Early myths suggest the first man
Adapu or Adamu
Some say this was Adam
This ties to the ‘Garden of Eden’
Semitic language spoken
By the original invaders
Was so different, yet still Semitic
That it’s categorized separately
That’s significant
The most ancient ruler
Probably of Shirpurla
Was Enshagkushanna
Who was also on the list
Which leaves three names
Alusharshid Sargon and Hammurabi
Alusharshid was likely at one time
King of Kish, also on the list
Sargon as in Sargon I is called
First founder of a Semitic empire
He promoted Semitic language
Literature, art and architecture
Was the sixth king of Babylon
He obtained control
Of north and south Babylonia
Forming them into one empire
Why wasn’t Babylon on the list?
I don’t know Randall
Perhaps it was incomplete
What stands out across time
Specifically in Southern Babylonia
Is very few records of succession
There are more gaps than entries
Existence of the Civil
Would fit the gaps like a glove
Yet in the north
Very good records were kept
So the Civil in the south
By allowing themselves
To be conquered by the Semites
Gained influence and dissemination
And as Phillip likes to say
That would make sense
In a sense they became benefactors
Teaching us every discipline we know
Gaining power and influence
And teaching us their way
Didn’t the Greeks found civilization?
No Phillip
The Greeks organized it
Euclid did so to a great degree
Many others contributed
But Babylonian mathematics
Preceded the Greeks
Having developed much influence
The Civil could have instigated
The building of the tower of Babel
If so, Jonathan Warbel was right
They were behind it
What did he see
That we don’t?
What do you mean Phillip?
Simple, Miss Lydia
Your mentor and colleague
Somehow put all this together
And decided to commit himself
Rather than expose it
We don’t know that
Did he see what we’ve seen?
We don’t know
Why did he go away?
We don’t know that either
What we do know is
Some of what he knew
He shared with Randall
True, Miss Lydia
But if he didn’t believe
This data held an answer
Then why share it with Allen?
And if he did believe it
Why didn’t he tell Randall?
Ok hold on
Allen sent us the packages
But the cards were here
Not in England
If Jonathan protected the cards
He wouldn’t tell Randall
Without having a good reason
Maybe he didn’t see it coming
Allen was to send the packages
If anything happened to Jonathan
Which he did
Then he was killed
If they’d broken the codes
It would have been easier
To hide thumb drives
Instead of leasing storage units
The keys could have been sent
For safe deposit boxes instead
And for less cost and effort
So our premise Miss Lydia
Is that neither Jonathan or Allen
Broke the codes or the cards?
Maybe the codes Phillip
They had the dongle and the drives
So the RAID5 files were available
Even without the data cards
Maybe the drives
Were an earlier attempt
To transfer the cards
Did we find duplicates Liamsi?
No duplicates files Phillip
However, we don’t know
If these were all the cards
We know there were no gaps
The sequences were contiguous
The drives could have been
From an earlier sequence
That would make sense
For now let’s assume they were
And Allen and Jonathan knew
And since the drives don’t say
They were produced by the Civil
We can’t connect the two
Right Phillip
Jonathan must have found them
Somewhere else
He studied them Lydia
The Civil
Jonathan studied them
He said they were dangerous
They tried to use him
He also said he was crazy
And that he was lying
Almost in defiance
He told me they’d done it before
To De Vinci and Nostradamus
And to others
And to me
Jonathan said I spoke
As if they had contacted me
When I asked him once
About some numbers
He was right about that
I didn’t have to tell him
It was like he knew
I don’t know who called me
First about the calendar
And then to go see him
He said they call themselves
Civil servants
Jonathan didn’t mention
Where the name Civil came from
Or how he came to know it
He could have made it up
But that wouldn’t square
With the civil servant thing
This is precious
Think of the irony, Miss Lydia
Here we are
Five reasonably intelligent
Supposedly rational people
Deliberating the name
Of a society of fallen angels
A name Civil
Introduced with respect
By a deceased and self-committed
And self-proclaimed madman
Who explained it to a writer
That came for a story
Which fortunately for said writer
Co-authorizes the original source
And deflects any question
Of the writer’s rationale
We could be left to decide
Which madman if either
To believe
All in trivial pursuit
Of this name Civil
It’s precious
You can’t make it up
It’s like something you’d find
In a bad fiction novel
It’s co-delusional rationalization
Tell me
Does it matter
Where the name came from?
Or what significance it holds?
For lack of another name
May we agree on the Civil?
Then Civil it is!
But we need more
Than Babylonian hearsay
To tie our Civil
To fourteen tons of data cards
Or we might find ourselves
Committed for our work
And not just to it
That would make sense
That’s my line Daniel!
(Everyone laughs)
Red flag - Password?
What have you got Phillip?
This file, Ingress?
It wants a password to open
Ingress means entrance
It asked for a password?
I think so, Daniel
I believe that’s asking politely
Yes, in English
That says something, right?
Of course that doesn’t mean
The answer will be in English
Should we try Civil?
Press the escape key top left!
Yes Phillip, escape!
Some of these files are moody
They don’t play well with others
Let’s limit this little guy
To his own sandbox
Before we try to break him
Copy it to this flash drive
And to a fresh computer
Open sesame
Can you take a copy
And open it through Debug
To see what you can see?
Yes Daniel
I can do that
Ok Phillip
Let’s try ‘Civil’ no caps
< civil >
Civil didn’t work Daniel
At least they know we’re here
Just kidding
Let’s try ‘password’
It’s an oldy but a goody
< password >
It didn’t like that one either
How about ‘Babel’?
< babel >
Not Babel
Try ‘sesame’
< sesame >
It’s not important
I just wanted to see
If we had a three strikes law
And we don’t
Sesame was four
We need to script it
To a password generator
Since attempts don’t matter
Will that take long?
It could take a day or so Phillip
Try ‘Eridugga’
‘Eridugga’, no caps
Just a thought Daniel
Try ‘Eridugga’ Phillip
< eridugga >
It’s chewing on it!
‘No Network Connection’
It wants a network
Bingo that’s it!
See anything IP over there?
Yes, we have a port request
And up to eight variable entries
That can follow the program name
I can’t see what they’re for yet
Possibly privilege qualifiers
Ok good
Can we try ‘eridugga’ again please
But this time follow it with a space
Then ‘Kish’ another space
Then ‘Shirpurla’
No caps
Yes sir
< eridugga kish shirpurla >
Chewing again
‘No Network Connection’ again
Liamsi, it seems your list
Might be a password script
Otherwise it might have choked
On the errant variables
And the variables are hardwired