Trace route
Daniel opens a command session
as the others look on
First the Russian site
< C:\MITC>tracert >
< Tracing route >
< to ip- >
< server.net.srr [] >
< over a maximum of 30 hops: >
< 1 1 ms 1 ms >
< 1 ms >
< 2 67 ms 68 ms 67 ms >
< p3nw8sh122.shr.prod.p >
< hx3.secureserver.net >
< [97.74 .215.168] >
< Trace complete >
Now here goes China
< C:\MITC>tracert >
< Tracing route >
< to ip- >
< server.net.prc [] >
< over a maximum of 30 hops: >
< 1 1 ms 1 ms >
< 1 ms >
< 2 67 ms 68 ms 67 ms >
< p3nw8sh122.shr.prod.p >
< hx3.secureserver.net >
< [97.74 .215.168] >
< Trace complete >
Last but not least NSA
< C:\MITC>tracert
< Tracing route >
< to p3nw8sh122.shr.prod.p >
< hx3.secureserver.net >
< [] >
< over a maximum of 30 hops: >
< 1 1 ms 1 ms >
< 1 ms >
< 2 67 ms 68 ms 67 ms >
< p3nw8sh122.shr.prod.p >
< hx3.secureserver.net >
< [97.74 .215.168] >
< Trace complete >
Daniel, scroll up for a minute
Do you see it?
I do Liamsi
Same destination
No matter what trace we try
Daniel, they match NSA
And look at the times
They’re the same also
Same site same times
At least it’s a nice connection
Lightning fast but severely limited
(Daniel smiles)
The trace isn’t getting out Lydia
It’s like it’s being trapped
(Suddenly the computer display
clears to black and characters
appear on the screen)
< This is becoming tedious >
(Daniel stops)
Here we go folks
< We should talk >
< Hello are you there? >
Maybe so Phillip
(Daniel types)
< Who are you? >
< We have many names >
< How about Zeus? >
< And your name? >
< Be honest >
< Daniel >
< Hello Daniel >
< Please >
< Allow me to explain >
< We are connected now >
< You and we >
< We notice >
< You’re on a different PC today >
< Would you like to try another? >
< You may if you wish >
What do you think Liamsi?
It won’t make any difference
They’ve got us cold
That’s what they’re telling us
We might as well continue
< Not necessary >
< Thank you Daniel >
< For what? >
< For being honest with us >
< Who is us? >
< ZEUS >
< Who do you work for Daniel? >
< Who is Zeus? >
< You answer a question >
< With a question? >
< Interesting >
< Would you like to know >
< Who you are? >
< Sure >
< You are Daniel Aaron Roth >
< You are Phillip Robert Sanders >
< You are Mark Curtis Teals >
< You are Liamsi Malles >
< You are Lydia Erin Carnegie >
< Do you work for >
< Randall Taylor Sparks? >
< Or are we still playing games? >
Ok definitely not good people!
Ask him what he wants Danny
< What do you want? >
< You’ve been meddling Daniel >
< The sites are trusted >
< You’ve discovered a gateway >
< We want to know how? >
< It was a mistake >
< Tedious again Daniel >
< Not nice >
< Ok then let’s play a game >
< Game? >
< Word association >
< First association >
< Good work >
< Praise? >
< Close >
< Outstanding >
< Next association >
< Meddling >
< Interference? >
< No >
< Standing out >
< But not bad >
< Last association >
< Zeus >
< NSA? >
< Close again >
< Try this >
< Standing outside your door >
< Excuse me? >
< Your lab is surrounded Daniel >
< Please let us in so we can talk >
Could you get the door Phillip?
They want to talk to us
Hello folks
Please don’t be alarmed
Allow me to introduce myself
You may call me Mr. Smith
Is that your real name?
At this moment
That’s not important son
You would be Daniel?
I am
Are we under arrest?
As of now
Think of yourselves as guests
Of the United States government
These nice gentlemen and lady
Will serve as your escorts
They will take you to a location
Where we might
Get to know each other
Do we need lawyers?
For what son?
To protect our rights
Shouldn’t you read them?
Oh, you have no rights
Criminals have rights
You’re guests
Are you a criminal?
Are you sure?
Have you done anything wrong?
(Daniel remains silent)
Like I said
You’re guests
Guests can leave
Almost guests then
Shall we go?
What about the lab?
The lab will be fine son
We’ll take care of the lab
You’ll be back, don’t worry!
And if we don’t go?
Now is that friendly?
The relationship is new
We talk we learn
We build trust
You trust me I trust you
We get along
It’s the best option
But if you arrest me
I’d have the right to remain
Somewhere in the world son
That would be true
But you stepped into my world
A right son
Is a world away from an ability
Trust me when I say
Trust is the best option
(Daniel’s shoulders drop)
Right this way folks
Individual interviews
Conducted in private rooms
At times seemed like
Questions in circles
Repeated again and again
Answers Interrupted frequently
Mark Seals was debriefed
Sworn to sequester
Released subject to recall
For the most part
The story unfolded
No one had any reason
Or agenda to lie
What was there to lie about?
The Civil were exposed
To the degree they were known
And dismissed as abstraction
No evidence
Data was not dismissed
Data led to the gateway
Led to Ingress
It’s your lab, Daniel
Your butt’s hanging out
About a mile here son
This is your one opportunity
To change that
I’m here to help you
Is anything I’ve just told you
Confusing or unclear?
No I understand
You understand?
Well that’s good
I’m going to ask you some questions
Three-word answers or less
Not four words not five
Is that clear?
Who is Phillip Robert Sanders?
Friend and math professor
Lydia Erin Carnegie?
Friend and scientist
Who do you work for?
Are you asking me for an answer?
Then who do you work for?
What department?
Computer Science
Who’s Randall Taylor Sparks?
Lydia’s friend I suppose
That’s four words twice!
Lydia’s friend
Who is Liamsi Malles?
Computer tech
Do you work for him?
Work for Liamsi?
You work for Liamsi?
Who’s Phillip Robert Sanders?
I told you!
Remind me!
He’s a friend!
Who does he work for?
Math Science
Do you work for
Randall Taylor Sparks?
What do you mean?
Four words again!
Yes or no?
Have you ever been a citizen
Of a foreign country?
It’s just a question son
What is Sparks data punch?
A project name
Who is Randall Taylor Sparks?
Lydia’s friend
What is his involvement?
They’re his cards
His files
Which is it
Cards or files?
Do you work for Mr. Sparks?
I’m helping them
Who’s them?
(Daniel pauses)
Who is them?
She’s helping him
Lydia Erin Carnegie?
She’s helping who?
Lydia Erin Carnegie
Is helping Randall Taylor Sparks?
You work for Sparks?
We work together
Who is Mark Curtis Teals?
My lab assistant
What’s his involvement?
He’s not involved
Who is Liamsi Malles?
We’re a team
What does Liamsi do
For the team?
Data punch cards
What is Ingress?
A big mistake
A big mistake?
A huge mistake
Explain the mistake
On question first?
Go ahead
How did you trap us so fast?
When you sign in online
To a secured bank account
The server knows your location
And if your device is registered
It’s something like that
Many private innovations
Have military origins
Now tell me about Ingress
(Daniel shares all he knows)
The report in conclusion
With nothing to hide
All told the truth
Randall Sparks
Was not a mastermind
Rather a reluctant nucleus
But for what reason
Was not determined
Randall Sparks and Dr. Carnegie
Were linked to the cards and Warbel
Dr. Warbel’s significance
Rose from his ashes
Through compromise
Of the Ghost network
‘Sparks Data punch’
Became ‘Sparks Data’
A classified intellectual property
Of the United States government
No one was found guilty of treason
They were briefed and then read in
To their own project ‘Sparks Data’
Susan Fisher had to be read in
Due to her relationship with Randall
Who was unaware of her inclusion
Until conclusion of the interviews
Background investigations ensued
Impact clearances granted
Need to know established
Impact means clearance now
And paperwork follows
Conscripted to government service
They were compelled to volunteer
While this granted no privilege
To peek behind the Ingress curtain
They remained accountable
A peculiar destiny for those
Who know too much
Another security twist
During the interviews
Several interviewers
Held insufficient access
For information exposed
It happens
They had to be read in
Some aware of a Ghost network
Were unaware of its details
Be careful what you ask for
Expanded access
Is a leash not a privilege
Interview room C
Mr. Sparks, a moment?
Mr. Smith?
Please come with me
To interview room C
Susan Fisher is waiting there
Susan’s here?
Right this way
I’ll leave you two alone
(Susan greets Randall with a hug)
Wow paperboy
You’ve really done it this time!
What did you get us into?
When did you get here?
They questioned me for two hours!
Right after they arrested me!
They arrested you?
They said I was a guest!
But I had to go with them!
I couldn’t leave Randall!
What kind of guest is that?
It’s ok
What’s ok?
What do they want?
They get grumpy
When people hack their network
Randall you don’t hack!
I know
It’s complicated
I have to work for the government?
What’s that about?
And who are the Civil?
The Civil is ‘them’
At least I think so
Remember Minneapolis?
Tickets for you and Lydia?
We found things there
Computer drives and data cards
Lydia took the drives to a friend
But something happened to one
So we went to England
To look for the last drive
Then a team was formed
Lydia Daniel Phillip and Liamsi
They needed a project name
Lydia said it was my project
They named it ‘Sparks Data Punch’
Before we even got back
The files on the drives and cards
Accessed the government’s network
So now here we are
You don’t hack networks
The team hacked it
We didn’t know what it was
So why am I here?
You’re here because
They thinks it’s my project
And you are my fiancée
Ok so tell them it isn’t
And let’s go home
Like I said it’s complicated
Civilians can’t know what we know
So we can’t be civilians anymore
What does that mean paperboy?
It means I’m sorry
And I don’t know