Intra-Care 2
Behavioral Health Center
He’s been waiting for you
Loves to hear himself talk
Thinks you’re a good listener
I’d say he likes you
Jonathan Warbel visit 2
Do you have any idea
How large the planet is?
13 the lucky number
169 the square of 13
533 10 bits plus the drinking age
693 column multiple 231 times 3
875 eight ciento and three quarters
800 eight ciento
921 eight ciento and eleven square
604 four bottles of 151 rum
096 eight times 12
Write all those out and you get
The mass of the Earth
According to a consensus
Adopted in the sixties
Or you could just round it
To thirteen Septillion pounds
It’s 13 with 24 zeroes behind it
Assuming core density is the same
And do you know why it’s molten?
Why it’s warming?
One can hide any number of sins
Within numbers
But were you aware that all sins
Reside within numbers?
And there are scores of numbers
That would seek sin there
Cultivated for no reason at all
Other than intrinsic evil
And when evil looks directly
Into your eyes
You know it
You feel it
And you know there’s no escape
My life exists here in this place
Inside me now
Safe within insane sanctuary
Powerless to act I pretend
There is nothing to see
As long as I’m the one who sees
(Jonathan studies his guest
For a discomfiting long period)
Do I concern you?
Guess I left again, sorry
Have you ever heard of
Michel de Nostredame
Very good
He too had to hide his truth
He too saw evil
And it saw him
The weight is very small
In comparison to the tire
Perhaps half an ounce
Against a hundred pounds
That tiny difference
In the right place serves balance
Applied in the wrong place
Doubles the imbalance
Increasing the wobble
Affecting drag and direction
The aggregate change
May be too small to determine
It is change just the same
The difference in harmonics
Is significant and easier to detect
Think of harmonics as multiples
You might hear the difference
As such a tire approaches
And in the change as it departs
Your perspective involves
How close you are
To the tire’s path
Across a field is much different
Than next to the road
Mountains or buildings
Even a passing car
Can amplify the sound such that
You could notice the difference
If you knew what to listen for
The study of harmonics
Is a study of frequency and vibration
A vast range of which sound
Represents a very small spectrum
A crystal vibrates at a very high rate
You can’t hear it yet it exists
Place two crystals together
Such that you get their sum
And more importantly
Their difference
And if that difference
Falls within a frequency
Detectable by human hearing
In sufficient amplitude
It becomes audible
Sound reproduction equipment
Uses this science to reproduce
The reflection of a plate
Or the echo of a cathedral
Still with me so far?
So far
Good then
Variable Frequency Oscillation VFO
Employed in communications
Allows us to hear code or voice
It’s the difference you see
The difference we hear
Not the frequency
This is in part
How I achieved the effect
My effect
Not the frequency of the vibration
Rather the difference between
That and a reference source
Amplitude and perspective
Were much bigger obstacles
I should think this to be
Sufficient for now
Do you agree?
And if so please leave me
Jonathan Warbel visit 3
Dr. Warbel
I’m bothered by something
Why are you in here?
You seem very coherent to me
It may seem crazy, but
To question your rationale
Requires me to question my own
It doesn't make sense
So why?
Warbel 102
Thank you
For that acknowledgement
In the twentieth century
We were introduced to the concept
Of our own demise
From various origins
Floods, the cold war, earthquakes
More so than any previous time
Air raid drills and fallout shelters
Seeking refuge in doorways
And under desks
Lie down in a ditch
Hands over your head
Your feet facing the blast
Higher ground from rising waters
Question the water
Wait for the ‘all clear’ signal
It’s natural I suppose
These practices were not designed
To protect you from harm
Rather to allow for survival
No promise was made
That life would be desirable
Even if you survived
When imminent threat
Involves danger that’s immanent
Meaning it’s everywhere
It’s all around you?
Your only choice is to go inside
Where it’s not safe
But you might survive
However briefly
Sounds alarmist doesn’t it?
Paranoid I’d have to say
Wouldn’t you?
And that’s crazy
The more you know
The closer you become
A threat to them
Just in coming here
I suspect you knew this already
Enough of that for now
We’re moving right now
A thousand miles an hour
At least at the equator
Can you feel it?
The reason we don’t feel it is
The Earth’s surface moves as well
The shift is undetectable
From our perspective
Just as the sound of a passing car
Is unheard before it passes
The sound of two vehicles
Is their sum and difference
The question becomes
How to gain perspective
Our initial challenge
How about the moon
We know the average distance
The size, mass and rotation
It’s perihelion, the closest point
And aphelion, the farthest
Their difference of 26,466 miles
Could we hear the Earth
From the Moon?
The long and short of fluid dynamics
Is that there’s not enough fluid
For the sound to be dynamic
In perfect air it would take
Twelve and a half days to get there
And for the sound to return here
From a satellite a day and six hours
Imprecise and impossible
Lasers might work
If the moon were a disco ball
Again the cost is prohibitive
Any cost is enormous
The problem extends beyond
Finding a needle in a hay stack
To first finding the right hay stack
Sound essentially stops
Just below the Exosphere
So much sound exists there
It’s like listening for a whisper
In a hurricane
After Sputnik launched in 1957
Science began to listen
Across the radio spectrum
Down in the VLF
The Very Low Spectrum
Were Spherics from lightning
Tweeks and Whistlers
From more distant lightning
Cosmic debris from TV and radio
Cell phones and aircraft
Create so much noise
It makes one thankful
For the Exosphere
But there lies the grail
The ‘Lion’s Roar’
Where the magnetic field dominates
In perpetual dance with solar winds
Ions in solar plasma are charged
Winds compress in the sun
A supersonic shock wave is created
Influencing the Magnetosphere
Expanding in the night
Detoured at the Bow Shock
The Magnetotail passes
Yet within a region
Of the Magnetosphere
Plasma bounces back and forth
Radio waves expose
The roar of the lion
Brief and random
Unless you listen closely
Record and compare
The error illuminates the dance
It’s not a failure of resolution
The error is the effect
Defined as Warbel
Changing the magnetic field
Rendered the first CRT
Cathode Ray Tube
And television was born
The inverse
Move mass within the field
Affecting the field
Affecting the roar
The rest of the story is easy
Define the pattern and period
The mean comparison
Then convince a skeptic world
This concept alone
Was not a threat
The vision it revealed was
More on that later
This story can't be written
Who would believe it?
Who could understand?
It reads like a science test
People want to hear the radio
not how it's built
But if he ever gets to it
and he hints at it
there's controversy buried inside
So far lots of notes
with little understanding
as to how it approaches an end
But Randall is hooked
That was your thing?
You did all of that?
Yes I did
And you’re telling me why?
You’re the only one asking
And by my asking?
By asking
Your risking your life
As much as I am
For talking to you
Should I return?
I can’t answer that for you
Be careful who you talk to
Trust no one
Perhaps you shouldn’t come back
I don’t have that choice
Then you probably never did
Editor’s cut 03006
Randall’s tuned into securing a story.
That’s what he does. It’s his nature.
Dr. Warbel was quite an ambitious
and prosperous investment to
the Civil.
His sudden and selfless commitment
was extremely unfortunate.
For the Civil’s purposes, Randall’s
instincts were a match made near
Heaven. That’s exactly why him.
Editors desk - this man
Dr. Warbel rambles
Half the time I don’t get
What he’s saying
He was huge in his field
What he’s recognized for
Is so far out there
It sounds crazy
I need a different approach
More human
He’s interesting
Funny and likeable
If I can put that together
It will be a great read
Tragedy maybe
But it’s not ready yet
Let’s put it off for a bit
See what we get
I’ll work some other leads
Fine then work your leads
But I want edge not scraps
Make me happy Sparks
Pretend it’s all about me
Thanks for your update
Go away now and work
Don’t forget
Make me happy