Ghost-Net activated
TPT-66 Sunfish
Threat Priority Thread 66
‘eyes only’
Heads of State
Trusted officers
First order
Ignore hacking reports
Do protest accusations
Second order
Ghost-Net trespass
Shadow actors
Third order
Assemble teams
Engineering Sciences
Mathematics Mechanics Civil
Fourth order
Assemble teams
Physical sciences
Geo SMD/Astro Quantum
Common resource
All information shared
No public disclosure
Thread stop
Confirm duplex
Communications can be sent
in several modes and mediums
Radio operators sending and
receiving on the same radio
frequency are using simplex mode
If an operator sends on one
frequency and receives on a
different frequency they are using
duplex mode
A cellphone conversation is simplex
a text conversation would be simplex
but if questions were spoken
and answered in text or vise-versa
requiring two modes to be acquired
to monitor the conversation
it would be duplex
requested duplex confirmation
with no mode specified
rendering collection difficult
White pages
With many colors
Daniel expects color files
on the wideband tapes
He finds colors and numbers
in no apparent order
Nothing makes sense to him
But there is an order
White begins each message
and numbers Identify the message
It’s called a preamble
Following the preamble
is a succession of colors
each one the base of its series
except for the last one
The last color
is a shade of its series
Yellow ends the message
It’s a type of shorthand
The decoding process
loads each color’s series
plus the partial series
of the last color
Silver splits the color sets
The number of colors used
depends on the message size
The encoding process
randomly assigns the colors
A short message
might use a partial color set
Decoding copies ahead
and processes behind
it’s a practice called buffering
RGB encrypted pages
are called white pages because
white starts each message
A white page can contain
a vast spectrum of colors
encrypting hundreds of messages
White pages
hidden in satellite feeds
can travel around the world
virtually unnoticed
After his initial confusion
Daniel becomes proficient
at trapping white pages
For each abbreviated color
there’s a parity file match
that’s 128 times larger
Editor’s cut 25003
The concept of color vector
encryption can be a lot to wrap
your brain around so let’s break
it down to a very simple analogy.
Imagine you have a bag of colored
nickels and each nickel is divided into
five equal sections, similar to five
pieces of a pie.
Each pie slice represents one cent.
We have a message that’s equal to
27 cents.
We can represent 25 cents with five
colored nickels in any color order.
For the remaining two cents of the
message we only need two pie
pieces of the last nickel.
Think of the last color change as a
partial nickel.
A question Don?
Yes Daniel?
Back in the lab
Color and parity files were consistent
The files were the same size
Now we are finding
Compressed color files
Parity files can’t compress
So how do we find them?
Your team leader is Chip?
Did you ask him?
You said not to share
That’s true Daniel
But your staff needs to know
What to look for, right?
So let’s bring Chip in
(Don calls for Chip)
Daniel has a challenge for you
The color files you’re collecting
Are in a different format
Than the parity files
Go ahead Daniel
Tell Chip what you want
Files we had were the same size
These color files are different
What did they have in common?
They were assembled like a wheel
For color files, yellow was the
Ending, followed by white
White was the start
Then a preamble and then colors
Parity files used blue to end
Followed by black for the start
The ones complements of the colors
The preambles were the same
Yellow came before white?
And the preambles are the same?
No problem Daniel
Your parity files begin with black
Followed by the preamble
Then the data, followed by blue
That sounds easy to find
If blue is before black
We know the data’s in wheel form
Otherwise blue will be the end
So we’ll trap for that
Anything else?
Thanks Chip
You’re welcome Don
(Chip returns to his work)
(Don smiles)
Before Haley worked in the cage
She worked in wideband collection
Just like your staff
They train to find anything
Only some of the best
Make it to the cage
Give them the leads
They’ll find your code
You didn’t tell me
I was the dummy in the room
No, I didn’t
Don’t worry Daniel
You’ll catch on
Within the collection bay
Bulk data storage tapes
streaming digital history
decades back
Armed with Daniel’s leads
and his staff’s expertise
collection explodes
Two additional shifts are added
two more bays with three shifts
five bays of analysis
three shifts again
Satellite communications
audio and video streaming
corporate government private
shipping financial medical
all encrypted and protected traffic
piggybacked hidden data
white pages parity sets coordinates
A subnet teaming with chatter
a bureaucracy that never sleeps
planning studying sharing
global logistics
Global networks
eclipsed in shadow
unsigned deliveries
Let the data
speak for itself
There’s a problem
NSA doesn’t employ
engineers listed on TPT-66
Teams must be assembled
to translate the findings
Containment will be stressed
The Genie
becomes too big
for the bottle
Network infiltration won’t do
the threat must expand
to infrastructure
NSA to the Daily Sun
Ethan Stearns arrives
Mr. Connors, Mr. Sparks
I’m Ethan Stearns
Thank you for seeing me
I remember you
What can we do for you
Mr. Stearns?
Mr. Connors, I’m your liaison
And Mr. Sparks
I’m your unnamed source
You can call me Ethan if you like
Is this some kind of a joke?
We don’t exactly get along
Mr. Stearns
We’re on the same side Mr. Connors
I just do my job
And as of yesterday
I’ve been assigned to assist you
Unofficially of course
As of now that’s my job
And I am happy to do it
After your last visit Mr. Stearns
You called back, remember?
Your grasp of our conversation
After you left, was quite curious
Your offices were bugged
Mr. Connors
They’ve been swept for bugs
And that’s not happening now
You bugged our offices?
Someone did
Someone as in the government?
These things aren’t confirmed
So you bugged us
And we’re supposed to trust you?
Yes and no
If you will draw the shades
I can prove what I say is true
(Joe draws the shades to his office)
Don Smith
Said to say hello Mr. Sparks
He said Sparks data ended
And it doesn’t exist
But it does
And you are no longer part of it
You agreed to report
Do you need me to name
The others?
No, I believe you
Your office is not bugged
I am your liaison
I want to help you
I brought details of your next story
All true
We wouldn’t ask you to lie
Withhold some of the story, yes
But not lie
Is that ok with you gentlemen?
(Joe smiles)
More than a breach!
By Randall Sparks
Unnamed sources confirm
Foreign infiltration of data systems
May have corrupted specifications
Reports, tests and commissioning
Of vital infrastructure projects
Adversely affecting integrity
Threatening public safety
Additionally, government officials
And some watchdog groups
Question reliability of our power grid
In the event of disaster, or attacks
Such as magnetic pulse bursts
In near proximity strikes
Or acts of terrorism
Speculation holds such disasters
Could overwhelm medical facilities
Emergency response, life safety
Communication, transportation
Air travel and defense
Engineering teams assemble
Study findings and evaluate impact
To alleviate inevitable tensions
And head off stock market panic
Under such threats
Financial markets can be frozen
With martial law at the ready
International tensions escalate
As fear of threats rise
US State department teams
Mobilize direct communications
With foreign state officials
Adversaries protest accusations
Agree to meet with US officials
Dispute claims and avoid conflict
Some suggest the United States
Is projecting a dangerous hoax
The President’s cabinet is focused
Press secretary calls for calm
Until threat assessment
Is completed
Threat level yellow
High risk elevated
Congress turns about
Governmental Affairs, Finance
Commerce and Transportation
Energy and Natural Resources
Foreign relations and Science
Defense, DHS, DOJ and FBI
You will hear it tomorrow
But if you want it first
Get up with the Daily Sun
Sparks - on the record
For the record
Everything in this report
Is true?
Yes Randall
Essentially, everything you wrote
Represented facts
Although some information
Lends itself to subjective context
What are we doing Ethan?
We’re chasing the bad guys
And protecting the homeland
Don said he could tell you
But you’d have to be read in
Right now you’re just a reporter
Isn’t that what you wanted to be?
(Randall thinks of Susan)
No, you’re right
You’re right
Design Engineers meeting
US assembly of engineers
Welcome valued colleagues
My name is Lydia Carnegie
My field is Geodesy and Geophysics
Several fields and disciplines
Are represented here
Thank you all for coming
So why are you here?
Allow me to explain
We are here to define a design
Evaluate that design’s validity
And design countermeasures
To that design if necessary
The first task is definition
We have immense amounts of data
Tensor field studies, seismic activity
Volcanic and vent field observance
Logistics and mass distribution
We must define the objective
We want to know what it’s for
With the objective defined
We must determine its viability
And possible consequential results
If the results we identify
Represent a destructive purpose
We must design and implement
Effective means to defeat them
We don’t want study
Based upon suspicions
We want conclusions
Based upon your study
Speculation will be withheld
As it might prejudice your inquiry
Now for our standards and rules
All findings may be shared
To avoid interdisciplinary confusion
A standards reference will be used
It will be updated as necessary
Each team will receive a copy
For example, we will be using
The GRS 80 ellipsoid reference
Or WGS 84, if and when appropriate
And IGSN71 gravity standardization
If your calculations
Vary from schedule standards
For any reason
So note the changes
In many instances data you evaluate
Will use different references
References will be provided
Along with schedules you’ll receive
If and when possible
Some references may be absent
Expect this to be a fluid
And challenging process
Be accurate thorough and quick
In that order
See me for questions
Good luck people
Abundance of grants
Provide global data
Seismic studies
Tectonic plate shift
Volcanic activity
Vent fields
Mid ocean ridges
Sea temperatures
Ocean currents
Tidal variation
Wind and weather
All without question
To save the planet
Of course