International summit
Hong Kong geological symposium
Extraordinary circumstances
Brought you here today
You are the best engineers
The best minds of several nations
Welcome to this conference
And thank you for coming
My name is Lydia Carnegie
My field is Geodesy and Geophysics
We are here in the interest of peace
Someone’s threatening that interest
We need your skills to sort it out
Most of you have heard the news
What you heard was fabrication
Created to get you here
Outside these walls
There is much suspicion and fear
I’m asking you to set that aside
In here we are one team
United in one search for truth
Nothing less or more
In the interest of world trust
One country’s facts alone won’t do
Information continues to come in
New data arrives hourly
Everyone here will receive it
Our governments work together
To provide and discover evidence
We call it data, they call it evidence
They search for perpetrators
While we search for truth
We won’t give you facts
We will give you full access to data
And access to all resources
Including secure communications
With all other teams
We will all work together
To secure the facts of the data
These facts will give us the truth
A delicate balance
STEM: Science & Technology
Engineering & Mathematics
You can’t simply unbalance Earth
by moving mass to another place
like moving a weight on a tire
as Dr. Warbel suggested
Perhaps that was one of his lies
First of all, Earth weighs a lot
The largest mountain range
the mid ocean ridge system
spans roughly 65,000 kilometers
that’s about 40,000 miles
moving it, even if possible
would be like throwing a rock
at a passing train
Place the rock on the train
no difference at all
But place the rock on a track?
The right rock in the right place
could make a profound difference
Earth is not made up of trains
it’s built upon seven huge
and moving tectonic plates
plus many smaller ones
floating lithospheric pieces
Some plates converge
They come together
causing volcanoes
trenches and mountains
also exposing mineral deposits
Some plates diverge
They move apart
causing volcanoes and trenches
mid ocean ridges and vent fields
The Himalaya mountains
are said to be formed by orogeny
Vast colliding continental plates
the Indo-Australian and Eurasian
now India and Eurasian plates
Rising five millimeters per year
Himalayas are geologically active
China leads in world steel exports
followed by Japan, then Russia
and South Korea
Half a trillion metric tons of iron
mined just from China alone
in geologically active regions
Well over 130 dams in China
Half a trillion metric tons of water
held in seismically active regions
Dams built of earth and concrete
rock blasts and mine tailings
Decades of tensor field studies
fault stress and reservoir levels
seismic release of kinetic energy
affecting tectonic plate stress
nearby and half around the world
Stress in Asia and South America
curious enough alone by itself
But coupled across Ghost-net
through an ancillary network
of tensor field studies
Timing and feedback reports
coordination through Ingress
conclusions point to specific rocks
on specific tracks
of specific tectonic trains
is putting rocks on the track
Seismic coordinates identify
three antipodal possibilities
Two of these relationships
fall under the same authority
Authority having jurisdiction
US Environmental Protection
Tensor field and seismic studies
Limited capacity for regional control
China/India/Pakistan/South America
Authority having jurisdiction
Peoples Republic of China
Ministry of Environmental Protection
Tensor field and seismic studies
Mass redistribution near plate faults
Substantial regional authority
Indonesia/Japan/Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Authority having jurisdiction
China claims regional authority
Tensor field and seismic studies
Limited capacity for regional control
People’s Republic of China
lacks competition for authority
because regional competition
must originate from
Japan Russia or South Korea
all substantial trade partners
China enjoys unchallenged authority
They know we’re here
Situation room - NSA
Don Smith leads
In attendance
NSA USIIFNC task force
Administration cabinet officials
US Senate intelligence members
US State Department task force
Pentagon task force
CIA task force
Ladies and gentlemen
Officers and honored guests
My name is Don Smith
I know some of you
Several weeks back
We uncovered intelligence
Suggesting network infiltration
In high levels of government
The cover story at that time
Was foreign intelligence hacking
Soon after that we identified
Probable data sabotage
Compromising infrastructure
Engineering teams assembled
To determine extent of damage
The cover story morphed as well
To suggest foreign sabotage
What we’ve discovered since
Is an international network
Of nested terror operatives
Inside environmental agencies
Of every developed country
Their goal from what we can see
Is to commit seismic atrocities
In lay terms they’re moving mass
To focus stress on fault regions
Of specific tectonic plates
Their roadside bomb
Is an earthquake and possibly
A tsunami to follow
This is an uncharted war
Our investigation’s uncovered
Logistics planning and prediction
Accurate to within six months
Of an influenced event
The nexus of operation is China
Exports involve steel and iron ore
From Mainland and South China Sea
But Japan Russia and South Korea
Export right behind China
China admits to nothing
But they are cooperating
With ongoing investigations
They approved
An international conference
That took place in Hong Kong
Does it mean they can be trusted?
Absolutely not
They seemed surprised by the news
And even their own reports
These cells exist in many countries
Including ours and NATO
We were certainly surprised
Has China infiltrated our EPA?
I hope not
In any event, someone has
Who they are and how many?
We have some idea on that
Because today 156 people
Didn’t show up for work
At the EPA
They’re not at home
Everyone just disappeared
We’re receiving similar reports
From other countries
All chatter has gone silent
On the network they used
Ladies and gentlemen
They know we’re here
The threat is still active
Situation room - NSA
Don Smith welcomes questions
Senator Short go ahead
Are you saying
156 people just disappeared?
Yes Senator
You’ve no idea where they are?
We’re working on it Senator
But so far, no
Well if they’re gone
Why do you think a threat remains?
We can’t assume it doesn’t
We still find bombs from WWII
Mines that surface time to time
But it’s more than that Senator
These people didn’t run away
They all got up at the same time
And walked off the planet
Spies and terrorists do that
They don’t need their job
They have exit strategies
This exodus was planned
They leave if they’re discovered
Or if their work is complete
And if their work is complete
That represents a problem
We don’t know the answer
So for now
The threat is still active
US House committee
On foreign affairs
Disaster aid subcommittee
Chairman Kenneth Camp presides
Mr. Schindell
CEO of World Hope United
Thank you for attending today
Ms. Judith Smithers
Founder of Green Relief
Was scheduled to appear today
Ms. Smithers died of heart failure
We were very sorry for this news
We are very happy for your health
Mr. Schindell
We don’t want to keep you long
So I will get to the point
What’s your Zodiac sign sir?
Excuse me Congressman?
Your Zodiac sign, what is it?
I’m a Cancer
Yes you certainly are
Are you also a psychic?
Or do you employ one?
Congressman Camp
What’s this questioning about?
I came here today in good faith
Oh so you’re a praying man
That might explain your good fortune
You see sir
Your corporation
World Hope United
Supplies relief logistics and support
To disaster events around the world
And Mr. Schindell
For the past twenty-five years
Your business has been identified
As the nearest accessible provider
One hundred percent of the time
And more often than not
Shortly before a disaster
Multiple times, it says here
Along with Green Relief
Seems you have a Midas touch
Were you born in Turkey?
I’m sorry congressman
Was that a question?
Mr. Schindell
In September of 2004
You shipped equipment to
Was it Chennai or Ennore port
In India?
I believe it was Kamarajar
Yes thank you, I stand corrected
It was Kamarajar port in Chennai city
In the Indian state of Tamil Nadu
It was formerly named Ennore
It’s the only publicly owned port
In India
Is that true sir?
I couldn’t say Congressman
It’s possible
One second please
In July of 2004
Did you change course
Opting to go to Kamarajar
Instead of Balboa, Panama?
I’d have to check my records
We move equipment frequently
You were in Balboa in 2000
I’m sorry that was a question sir
You were in Balboa, Panama
In November of 2000, correct?
Again I’d have to check the records
You were in Balboa in 2000 sir
In fact you’ve got a very hot hand
At choosing where to be
Right before a natural disaster
So again I ask
Are you a psychic?
Or how do you explain
Your exceptional insight?
I’m just lucky Congressman
You are indeed that sir
And I would like you to take
Very good care of your health
We are looking into these disasters
And we may soon have you return
To help us with more details
It will be my pleasure Congressman
You have to go back
I’m good Susan
We’re out of it
I won’t put you through it again
No you are not good Randall
You’re still in it in your heart
You can tell yourself you’re out
But I love you I see you I know you
And this you, is not my paperboy
I want my paperboy back
So you have to go back
And I will stay with you
Which means we have to go back
It’s not up to you Randall
This is what I want
Joe’s office
Daily Sun Chronicle
I need to follow this story Joe
I need you to assign me
Susan set you straight Sparks?
Well, that didn’t take long
She’s one heck of a girl Sparks
You’re a lucky man
Why do you think it was Susan?
Look at me Sparks
Tell me it wasn’t
(Randall has no words)
Like I said Sparks
She’s one heck of a girl
Hang on to her
Go with God my son
And bring me some print
You can cover these tangents also
Congressional investigations
Political controversies
Democrats and Republicans
Pushing to capitalize
Our numbers are way up
Time for us to capitalize
Lydia sees a ghost
Don we have a huge problem
Findings from China Japan Russia
And South Korea all confirm
Dr. Warbel’s model
Is intrinsic to this planning
When Jonathan went away
Much of his work was discredited
No one wanted the association
Dr. Jonathan Warbel
Who Mr. Sparks visited?
Jonathan’s study was astrophysics
Mine is geodesy and geophysics
We were working together
All the sudden, he shut it down
He said it was best for me if I leave
I didn’t understand at the time
He said he couldn’t help me
He couldn’t even help himself
And then he went away
The Warbel Effect is a model
To study variations of the Earth’s axis
It’s laced through tensor field
Earth’s North-South axis
And the figure axis aren’t the same
They vary by 10 meters
The magnetic field varies as well
Earthquakes, natural tectonic shifts
The moon, tides, currents and winds
All cause Earth’s figure axis to shift
As much as a meter every year
Researchers measure the shifts
Using Jonathan’s model
Without his model’s accuracy
These shifts are ignored
Tensor field studies
Define a figure axis relationship
Between plates, winds and axis
Affecting Earth’s wobble
Astrophysics has accepted
That this doesn’t affect solar orbit
But that conclusion is not absolute
According to these studies
The figure axis shift is cumulative
It adds up but it usually recovers
A major geophysical event
Could trigger enough effect
To alter celestial attraction
Beyond the lesser success
They’ve achieved already
By stressing the tectonic plates
They’ve set a snare for this to
Water has been used as balance
For critical mass they’ve exported
550 Billion metric tons
Removed over fifty years
It’s worked well enough so far
So long as the dams stay in place
And remain filled at balance
The reservoirs are built on faults
In geologically active regions
Only the newest dams were built
To withstand a major earthquake
They’re dominoes
If they fall
It could trigger a major event
According to their numbers
It would be a matter of time
Before we intercept the sun
Perhaps a hundred years