Angels of the meadow – part 2

Angels of the meadow cover picture



Felt love die today

Kicked hard in my heart


For a while I hoped

My heart would stop

Take away the pain


I want to quit loving

Feeling writing


I don’t want to sing


I’m numb lost and weak

Heavy and tired


I want to be chained to you

Chain that fails


I want out of this crypt

Quicksand that steals


In spirit

If I came to you

Would you know me

A flicker or a breeze?


Would you turn away?


Tomorrow I’ll be ok


How many this time

Weeks or months

Until tomorrow?


I look forward

To tomorrow


For now

Your silhouette

Haunts me




Emotional driftwood


I once was beautiful

Vibrant and strong

With style to my grain

And hope in my song


My will could break iron

My love could mend space

Now I’ve washed up ashore

In this estranged place


Eroded and smooth

Like an old bar of soap

Affixed to my side

An old tattered rope


Affixed to the rope

Is a rusty old chain

Tied to past streaked

With memories stained


Things seem so different

I don’t seem to care

Faded existence

A burden to bear


My gaze is so distant

My challenge is lost


I reached out for Heaven

At a heavenly cost


Emotional driftwood

Bleached by the sea

The rain and the sun

Washed up by the tide


I scarcely remember

The day that I died


Vacant and empty

With nothing to share

Don’t waste your time looking

There’s nobody there




Deer in headlights


Two seconds into the lights

He falters and coughs

Gasps and falls


Jumps to his feet

And runs again


Back and forth

First one way then back

With each gasp



Running from pain

One of the meadow’s angels

Touched by civilization


A brief frantic moment

Grieved by witnesses

The horn

Never made a sound


He’ll probably die

You can’t catch him

He runs to never

And forever





I feel like that






Beg pardon

If I startled you

And stepping back

Extend this gift


Keep what I’ve given

With my blessing


May you find happiness

By your definition


My love’s an ocean

Fill a flask

And take with you

To open if you need


And if you come back

Don’t be surprised

If it’s like you never left


My love went with you

So you wouldn’t be alone




Because I love you


My hurt’s grown silent

It fills my soul


Passion washed my flesh away

Leaving me bony and absent

Death won’t welcome me


Your presence reminds

I sense you and turn away

Run fast as I can


Not because I hate you

Though I do


But because I love you

And I can’t






Pull my heart

From the wreckage

Of you and I


That’s the problem

With a slow speed head-on

Almost always survivors

Almost surviving




Passionate challenge


Let love flow

Like honey from my pen


Bite you soft and sweet

Tease forbidden surrender

Watch your resistance melt


Tremble naked in flame

Cry before Venus

And thank God

For life




A new leaf


I’ll stop

Allowing selfish dreams

To hurt those around me


I feel their pain

As they watch me die


At times they hate me

Mourn my absence


But I don’t


I briefly tasted life

Though memory fades

Only word is left

And pain remains


I learned life

Is worth dying for


I knew I knew why once


Today a flower

Opened before me

Helped me recall


I’ll return to you, life


Emerge from ashes

Find a new leaf

It’ll help me look up

And prepare to soar


It’s time




Mere gander


Nay but for

An angry flock of geese go I


With a Winston jib

And a Thomas tuffle


Wayne on jab sheets

Fracas sigh


With calm approach

On distant shore






Since I met you

I’ve learned to hate phones

They don’t ring


Seen no reflection

Staring back at me

In the mirror


Scold myself

For being so stupid


Learned to let go

In desperate face of want


And let my wounds

Begin to heal


They’re good wounds




Go then


If you can walk away

Then go


The love I seek

Won’t have that choice

It’ll seem like

We’ve always been



Life and song

Natural as breath


Euphoric and insane


We’ll create from it

Or I’ll walk alone


If I were

Getting this from you

I couldn’t say

Just please go


So just please go




Grown up



Must be perfect


Don’t need to be


That’s because

By the time

They have grandchildren

Mom and dad

Have grown up




The river


To the river to swim

First upstream


Against the shore

Current’s softer


Out to center stream

Sometimes it’s violent

It’s always swift


Swim or float

The river takes me


I’m not responsible

For where it goes

Only how far I go


I think God

Isn’t responsible

For the flow of a river

Or direction of mankind

Only their existence


Which makes us responsible

For where that leads




As you are


I love you as you are

Change only

What you want


Surrender nothing

I’ll steal it


Your smile

Your laugh

Your affection

Your eyes

Say I love you


Steal from me

What you want

It’s only fair


I love you exactly

As you are






You win

I’ll love you


But promise

You’ll kill me





Crystal peace and beautiful


The forest out my window

Is heavy with fresh snow


The sky behind is perfect blue

Clouds and snow share white


There’s a hint of magic

As sun smiles on the branches

Just before the snow drops


Crystal peace and beautiful

I wish I could give it to you




Angels of mercy


Death lashed fierce in me

Infectious claws danced fire

It raced from within


Angels of St Joseph

And Mount Carmel came


They surrounded me

Stood down death for me

They lifted me up

With God’s love


As I stand today

I walk with the memory

Of grace and strength

And love of my angels


Thank you God

For them




Nothing is important


What you don’t say

Means so much


What you won’t share

Finds me lost


What you didn’t do

Kept me waiting


And where you won’t go

Leaves me alone




Love that stays


Once someone’s

Really really really hurt

Fear shock and numb sets in


It’s impossible to trust

Or speak about

Or share


Until the grieving’s gone


You can hide in busy

But the only thing

That will help

Is love


Love left unanswered

Love that won’t leave



Love that knows

It takes many licks

To mend wounds so deep

Licks make a wound sore


Love that’s not afraid

Of being bitten


Love that stays

And cares




Broken people

Scattered shores


Some people get hit

With tragic loss

That leaves them

With shattered lives


Love seeks to find itself

Find its place

As broken people

Try to mend


When shattered people

Come together

There are gaps

Pieces missing

Parts that won’t fit



Where they converge

Form a scattered shore


Bring me to

Your scattered shore

Let your breath

Fall on my chest


Hold me close

Through tears of loss

Dull the pain

Begin to rest


We’re broken

But we can heal




You ask why


Can’t I just say

Don’t want to

Or don’t feel like it

Isn’t that enough?


Million emotions at once

Running frantically open

Without destination


Don’t ask me to rationalize

Don’t expect reason

It’s so unfair


And I can’t be that

For you right now


Just love me

And stop

Or not




Empty shelves


You meet someone

And everything’s alive

And exciting


You love them

And tell them

And they tell you


You rearrange your soul

To make room for them

Closet space for their things

But they don’t show up


So you wait for awhile

And then days


After a time

It’s apparent


Those shelves

Will always be empty

Without a letter or call

No reason why




Reckless love


People will get hurt

Maybe they need to

To breathe again


Tears wash silence

Dowse fire

New life begins


Hands torn

All that’s left

Stagnant existence

Beneath fingernails


Grow now


Don’t stop living

Just for me

