Pure joy of you
My love celebrates
Pure joy of you
Life inside your smile
Innocent laughter
Gentle blink of eye
As you dance
In intense simplicity
Beneath consciousness
Of skin
Your presence
Breathes life into me
I will spill colors
Across chords of my soul
Create a forest pool
Where you can play
Perfect happiness
Beneath moon
Stars whisper silent
Twilight kisses grass
I want you
I’ve been
To the soul of the ocean
To death’s grip of love
Cast castles of joy
In the sand
I’ve fed feverishly
Upon emptiness
Cried without sound
Run away from scatterings
Of myself on the ground
I know nothing
And have it to offer
In white truth
I’m afraid of myself
Kelp collects on my shores
Birds fly over my thoughts
I’m unworthy to walk upright
I need to know
I mean something
I desperately want
To make someone happy
Perhaps save a flower
These are colors I’ve bled
As rhythms devoured me
These are the flesh of me
My fears and hopes
Ashes of my trust
The point is
I want you
Worthy truth
In ways I’m scarred
My skin is aged
But I’m not weak
Neither are you
If I may share
You’re beautiful
You have strength
There’s calm in your smile
You laugh
To disguise your heart
You’re reluctant
To step in error
Or face critique
So you’d rather not lead
Your thoughts are deep
You pretend they aren’t
To deflect
It makes you quiet
Willing to please
If I’m correct
You may feel uneasy
Threatened perhaps
Don’t be
They’re your secrets
I’ll never tell
Poetry is honesty
From the front lines
Of every emotion
Poetry is truth
Don’t stop writing
Yours is a worthy truth
Working in clay
I imagine you playing
Wearing makeup of clay
Perhaps a mud mask
Smiling creating
Living and loving
All mess and mischief
You rise to the task
And what have we here?
And what have we there?
You mold and design
Scrape and you paint
Watch out for that hair
Say hey isn’t that quaint?
And then when it’s finished
No clothing’s un-smudged
Well it’s off to the kiln
To be fired then judged
Well done you!
Hopelessly lost
Million beautiful girls
But none of them is you
Not one of them stops me
The way that you do
None owns my thoughts
None ever will
All focus and fade
As each is weighed
Against not being you
Tinsel and gem
Is lost on me
So when your horizons
Become speckled with gray
Send me a blessing
And smile my way
My wanting has never
Wandered astray
Since I noticed you
My hopeless want
Just wants to be found
But it’s hopelessly lost
On you
You are a river
Chasing my heart
Passionate love
Emotion and intellect
Creative art
Currents flash wild
Mist surrounds your allure
To the edge of the ocean
A path swift and sure
Given to you
I’m carried away
Swept up in your tow
Dissolved in your love
Till my end of my days
Bridges cross over
They dare not follow
You are a river
I love
Pulpit of your dollar
You’re too this
You’re too that
You can’t cope
You’re not right
But there’s an answer
Consumers consuming
Take this pill
Life will be right
If you think life’s right
Take this pill instead
If you don’t have this shape
You’re better off dead
We choose your values
Your morals and cares
What children should wear
Don’t worry about life
Just sit there and stare
We’ll provide everything
You need to know
So you don’t have to think
And you don’t have to grow
Did you really care anyway?
Media will be the pulpit
Of your dollar
Morning kisses
Good morning love
I’ve kisses for you
That’ll make you smile
Kisses that won’t let you
Sit still all day long
On this glorious day
This day of you
Wild kisses
That deserve slaps
But maybe not yet
I see your name
Written in hieroglyphics
On the walls of my heart
I picked a flower for you
In the form of a poem
Conceived and nurtured
From my love
A kiss
To take away your tears
And steal your heart
So rise my love
Stretch your bones
Wrap my love around them
Forbidden kisses
To caress your day
Morning kisses
For you
Proof of love
I wanted to keep
Every record of our love
Every talk and letter
Now what?
I’m supposed to let go?
I removed your poems
From my heart
Tossed them
Tore up your letters
I tried to take your name
Off the door
I smell you in my coffee
I choke on wanting you
Whisper your name
Over and over
And it’s killing me
Is this what it’s like
When hope dies?
Don’t you dare
Pick me up
And not mean it
Tomorrow’s smiles
I will always
love you
I can’t
Come back
Change past
Mend chords
Replace silence
Track dirt
We must
Friendship may live
In tomorrow’s smiles
But yesterday’s tears
Have a place
They must cut a course
To tomorrow’s smiles
Is it possible to
Love me
And hate who I am?
I don’t know
I don’t often question
Hey God
Why am I here
What do you want from me?
I think I know
What everyone else wants
Their expectations
Their worry and concern
I feel you near
And don’t often question
But really
What do you want?
I’m out of control
Harming people I love
Did I run from you?
What lesson is this?
Hey you, it’s Jackie
You were my friend
Always there
With encouragement
With love
I didn’t believe in myself
In anything really
I was empty
You made me feel
Reach inside myself
Deal with pain and fears
I began to believe
Started to live
No telling
What tomorrow holds
Today we live forever
Then just like that
I was dead
So much I wanted
So many things
Thanks for believing
Wish I had more time
Left without a goodbye
Often thought of you
Very curious
This thing called ‘death’
We know it will come
We never prepare
Things left unfinished
Unshared unforgiven
Truncated desires
We waste today
Counting on forever
Immortal hubris
If we knew
A minute before
We could say goodbye
The sun eclipsed
And I took pause
What if it didn’t return?
What would we do?
Live in darkness?
Die, cold and alone?
It always comes back
But what if it didn’t?
My sun came back
And I was glad
Fall free
Rock face expands
Infinite before me
Warmed to the touch
By the morning sun
It’s late afternoon
Time’s left its meaning
Below endless peril
Above reaches heaven
Quaking tendons
Live in my stomach
Assisting my heart
A climb without lines
Is a death wish
Wrapped in a bow
Mercy of concentration
I steady my nerves
And find the next hold
They’ll say it was awful
An unfortunate event
You pick your jump
To leave this stone
The fall is beautiful
You must take time
To enjoy it
Breathe and live it
Before it ends
Everyone falls