People tilt
Their head and ask
Can you see her?
It’s not like that
I explain
Being one with someone
Who’s a spirit
Has much
That can’t be shared
But enough that can
To help you understand
At least partially
Forget about death
For a moment
Think about life
Add love
And another person
Imagine being in
The most incredible place
You could imagine
With the most incredible person
And that place is with them
Then you’re in love
You’re no longer individual
In true love
You’re part of something
That will never end
You’re in different places
Perhaps they’re home
And you’re at the mall
You might have their picture
Or not
They’re not exactly with you
But they’re always with you
You’re not free
To pursue something else
You’re with them
And they’re with you
Wherever you go
You sense them
And they you
You belong
You are one
Never more to be
Just you
Never searching
For a path
Never questioning their path
They’re your path
And you’re home
It’s like that
Shall - 2020
We decide
What we do
Where we go
And when
We choose
Our values
Favorite colors
Sounds and taste
We’re blessed
With free will
We can’t choose
Not to breathe
Or an extra day
Decisions and values
Can change
Spirit stays the same
It’s our intrinsic self
Our soul’s clarity
You’re my clarity
Shall - 2020
I love you more
Than I loved you
The day before
Valentine’s day
Our second together
Since you died
We missed the first one
We won’t miss another
I don’t miss
The touch of skin
On my own
I have the touch
Of your spirit
On my soul
I’m the lucky one
You’re my Valentine
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Puppy love
If I had a tail
It’d never stop wagging
With you around
You thrill me
Head to tail
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Hard to get
I can’t play it
Because I’m not
You own me
And you know it
So, I’ll get even
Some other way
Shall - 2020
To me
It’s hard to believe
It’s been two years since
I asked God to give you
Half my Heaven
Two years
Since you found me
And I fell into you
Sixty-six days
You’d think I’m crazy
The jury’s returned
It’s confirmed
You married me anyway
Thank you
Two beautiful years
Since I notice you there
Now eternity counts
The seconds I care
Honey it’s true
That each second longer
Our flame burns stronger
There’s nothing so sweet
As Heaven and you
Shall - 2020
Cliffs of Moher
Above vibrant cliffs
We’ll dance in the flowers
Fingers forever entwined
Turbulent spirits
Spiraling life
Hand in hand
Leap from the edge
Phantom amour
In flight
Before the rocks
We’ll rise aloft
Kissed by the spray
Of violent waves crashing
Lashing emotions
Promised to the sea
When your heart’s tears
Surrender to clouds
I’ll hold you close
Until your sun returns
Embraced in my arms
Like a shroud
You should never
Have been left alone
My love
You will never
Be left alone
I’m here now
Shall - 2020
How about you?
How about you huh?
You’ve got me
How about me?
I’ve got you
We’ve got Heaven
God’s got us
What else is there?
Shall - 2020
Does it kill you
How much I love you?
I adore you
I make love to you
In my heart
You’re the draw
To each exhale
The answer
To every pause
You’re my direction
Or I’d be lost
I can’t imagine
Your absence
I don’t know how
I’d sooner sacrifice for you
Than be without you
Because then
I’d have closure
To be me
I need you
Shall - 2020
Our date
Eleven forty-five
The alarm sounds
Movie’s almost over
It’s the last scene
It’s getting late
A panicked wait
Eleven fifty strikes
My hurried pace
My heart’s race
Fifty-two fifty-three
The prayer list looms
As a skyscraper
But not too tall
Fifty-six fifty-seven
Embrace our vows
I crave you
You save me
Twenty-third psalm
The Lord’s prayer
Aaronic benediction
Five four three two one
When it comes
To loving you
I don’t fail
Shall - 2020
Turned on
I always thought
It meant something else
Yes, there’s that
But you make it more
When you smile
You warm my heart
And I smile too
Next to you
I don’t want to leave
Or be anywhere else
Your bones
Weren’t as strong
When you died
Your skin
Not firm as past
Whispered doubts
Joy’s tracings
I crave your bones
Your skin’s my food
You’re treasure
Just as you are
In spirit’s light
You summon me
You turn me on
Beyond amazing
You’re my desire
Everything good
Is you
Shall - 2020
Easter sundae
We’re a mess you and me
A beautiful mess
That doesn’t need to be
Cleaned up
Let’s stay messy
Together forever
What do you get spirit girl?
From all of this
What do you get?
You get me
Nothing held back
Claw me
Cut and bite me
Take me inside you
I’m yours
Not separate
We’re in God
And God’s in us
All messed up together
The Holy Spirit surrounds
Messed up like a sundae
Holy Spirit’s the ice cream
You’re nuts
I’m bananas about you
Ok so maybe I’m nuts
You’re definitely cherries
Life adds whipped cream
All messed up in chocolate
Caramel and pineapple
A beautiful mess
All messed up together
Messed up forever
He’s risen in glory!
A beautiful day
Our second Easter
Happy joy my love
Shall - 2020
I belong to you
I’m not ashamed
To be naked before you
Tree of knowledge
We’ve eaten its fruit
I know good
I’ve known evil
I prefer you
A spirit to belong to
In spirit I long to be
Beyond my flesh
One with you
I love you
More than air
I love you more
Than rain
I love you
More than sex
I love you more
Than anything
I belong to you
Shall - 2020
Sensual and spirit
Your presence
Sustains my strength
It keeps me alive
Keeps me vibrant
Everything else
Is tangential
Except you
We’re connected
You’re central to my life
The center of my universe
Center of my smile
God’s my universe
But you’re my center
And my balance
My rest is with you
Shall - 2020
You once sang
‘And people everywhere
Think some
Think better than I am’
You’re perfect
With all your imperfection
With all your flaws
You have perfect flaws
With your thorns
With your anger
With your love
There’s no such thing
As better than you are
You complete my soul
Fulfill my dreams
Inspire my desire
Nourish my spirit
And decorate our Heaven
Baby we lack nothing
You’re prefect
And I care
Shall - 2020
I love your butt
And everything connected to it
From the tip of your toes
To the top of your head
Your heart’s connected also
And it’s connected to your soul
I love your soul and your shame
You’ve no skeletons to fear
I love your faults and imperfections
There’s no part of you
I don’t love completely
And eternally
It’s why I give myself to you
And it all starts with your butt
I love it
Shall - 2020
To Momma Eileen
You and I
Have someone in common
I love your daughter
And I will never forsake her
I’ll never leave her side
I want you to know
When you need someone
To talk to about her
I’ll always be here
And I’ll always listen
Because I know what you feel
And I want you to share
From now on
I’ve got her hand
She’s safe
Your dark sadness
Became my greatest joy
You’re not alone
I’m here for you
And I want
To take you to dinner
And just listen
I hope to do that
You have my love
Shall - 2020