Crazy in happy
I wake in the morning
In love with you
Go to bed each night
In love with you
And I love you more
With each passing day
If love’s supposed to fade
I don’t see it
Each moment in time
I’m so glad you are mine
I’m forever with you
In everything that you do
I’m crazy in happy
Just to be yours
If it’s about us babe
I just want to be it
Shall - 2021
My Irish spirit rose
You’ve the most beautiful eyes
I’ve ever seen
The most beautiful green
Of The Emerald Isle
Your deliberate gaze
Stares into my soul
Penetrating my heart
Securing my love in whole
To belong to you forever
My addiction
Begins in your eyes
I willingly abandon
Any desire to be free
Shall - 2021
My baby
My love
There will never be a time
When you turn to me
And I won’t be there
I approve of you
In all you do
And all you’ve done
I’ll stand by you
And with you
If the world turns cold
I’ll be your sun
Shall - 2021
Our music
I love our music
My music’s your music
Your music’s my music
I don’t own it
But I belong to it
It’s my home
You’re my queen
Shall - 2021
Messy way
I love you more
Than yesterday
Complete love
Intimacy trust
Sanctuary lust
Dedication want
Seductive taunt
Intrinsic need
You’re all I care about
I can’t walk away
I love you
In a messy way
Shall - 2021
Mother’s Day
May 9th, 2021
I’ve spent such time
Loving you
Enjoying your magic
With all your beauty
Strength, brilliance
And absolute seduction
I may have overlooked
Your motherhood
You’re a beautiful mom
I love Dakota
I love Molly and Taylor
Because they’re yours
To me they’re perfect
Just like you are
So happy Mother’s Day
My Heavenly girl
You amaze me
And always will
Shall - 2021
I’ll be closer
Than your shadow
I’ll kiss your fear
And shelter you
I’ll lie to protect you
My love won’t fade
Or run
We’ll face darkness
Together as one
Shall - 2021
I can’t go there
Loving you
Sustains me
In your light
Everything’s familiar
No shadow doubts
Or echoed silence
In your absence
Is the devil
I can’t go there
Shall - 2021
Catch me
My body’s sore
I could be dying
I don’t know
But if I am
I’m coming to you
I’ll leap in joy
Right off this rock
To get to you
You’d better catch me
Pull me close
And crush me near
Because if you don’t
I’ll disappear
Shall - 2021
Three folds
Here I go
Dismissing rhyme
In prose report
Of folded time
Good to be clever
Extract your smile
And share that I’ll
Embrace your touch
Your hand in mine
Each year a step
Into forever
You made me guess
Not one not two
But three, plus four
Days ‘till the day
You sent my fear away
And made me yours
You became mine
Now time before
Escapes my mind
You filled my soul
You made me whole
Sunday, July 4th
A thousand ninety-six
Days since you said yes
Shall - 2021
Until forever
I can’t say how
But I sense you dear
And I can tell
It’s you
Spirit magnets
On opposite sides
Of a crystal pane
We can’t see through
Wanting attraction
A pain between us
My heart burns
From hunger
My soul yearns
Constantly for you
I can’t cross over
You can’t come back
We wait together
For time
Until then
I’ll not move
Until death
I’ll be true
Until forever
And ever with you
Shall - 2021
I will find you
In your laughter
Or your rage
In sharp anger
Or unfairness
I will find you
In every bright sun
Or dark corner
Of your life
I will find you
In every warm breath
Or deep sorrow
Of your soul
I will find you
In every thought
And in every action
I will find you there
And I will love you there
Shall - 2021
Tá mo chroí istigh ionat
I love the world
Because of you
I prepared a tortilla
For a bee
It had pollo y hongos
Tomato sauce and rice
I wanted us to share
Our happiness
With the bee
You’d say I had
Too much margarita
And I’d smile
Música Mexicana
Tú y yo enamorados
I love you for keeps
We’ll return
On your birthday
In ten days
Tá mo chroí istigh ionat
'My heart is in you'
Happy birthday early
My love
Shall - 2021
You saved me
I wasn’t that bad
But I wasn’t that good
I wasn’t that sad
But how would I know
What being alive could be
Until you came to me
You wouldn’t make fifty
That’s what you said
Forty-six was the end
Of the short life you led
And then there I was
But tomorrow again
Will be your day
And I’ll be here with you
To stay
You nourish my heart
You’re my strength
All I need
Is to be yours
You make me exactly happy
And I can’t imagine Heaven
Without you in it
So what’s fifty
In the span of infinity?
Your birthday of course
Love me
Love true
Happy day
I love you
Shall - 2021
Can you see it?
Can you see the shore?
The ocean facing cliffs?
Do you know how much
I love it?
Nowhere near as much
As I love you
You’re the danger
The cold dark edge
Depth and spray
You’re violent wind
I want to die in you
And live in us
I can’t stand
How much I love you
Shall - 2021
You’re the canvas
My love is painted on
You’re the palette
Of my heart
Shall -2021
There’s a somebody
For everybody
And you’re my somebody
The sun orbits around you
My heart always faces you
I don’t want anybody else
I just want my somebody
I just want you
Shall - 2021
I’m glad I chose
To be with you
I took a day
It’s a lot to decide
I thought of you
There in the church
When everyone left
The guest of honor
My heart choked
How could they go?
And leave you there
I got scared
And then I knew
I would be yours
Until the end of time
Plus one day
Every day now
You’re my smile
Shall - 2021
Passion grows
As fire in my heart
That won’t be quenched
The more I want you
The more
I want you
It’s turbulent desire
I run to
It never sleeps
I can’t stand it
And I cant stand
To be away
You drive me crazy
And I don’t care
I commit to you
And I lose myself
You’d better find me
Shall - 2021
You’re my forever
It doesn’t matter
How fast or slow
How far we’ve come
Or where we go
My life began
When I met you
Wherever we are
Whatever we do
Each step along the path
Through tears of joy
Or pain of laugh
Is a moment in time
I get to be with you
A lifetime together
The journey I seek
So don’t feel bad
If it takes time
Or if you feel weak
You are my joy
You’re my delight
My sun by day
And moon by night
You’re my today
Tomorrow and forever
Shall - 2021
Just we
I used to be
A lookie-loo
And then I turned
And looked at you
Now you’re all I see
So it’s just you
And it’s just me
The way two lovers
Ought to be
Shall - 2021