A hundred times
God makes beautiful people
And beautiful smiles
And beautiful eyes
And beautiful laughs
And beautiful words
And beautiful voices
And beautiful hearts
And beautiful hair
And beautiful skin
And beautiful tears
And beautiful pain
Each seductive
In its own way
I sense your curiosity
I can feel it
Could this be the one
To draw me away?
And I smile
And assure you no
No one can ever
Draw me from you
And each time you ask
You get a hundred
More times to ask
I want you to ask
Whenever you want
So I can tell you again
That I’m yours
And that you own me
Shall - 2022
It’s your name
And you know
You are all important
To me
And I know that I am
All important to you
Because you love me
And I will spend
Every moment of my life
To bring you happiness
By loving you
Beyond all expectation
And I will come to you
There’s no place else
I’d rather be
And no one else
I’d rather be with
Shall - 2022
Christmas five
How do I address you?
You are my sunset
And each dawn
This year
Winter arrived
In fierce abundance
Crisis formed a chain
Shoveling and plowing
Broken engines
Broken pull cords
Trickled pipes
And power down
Firewood in
As first snow fell
And keeping a fire
Dragged night to morning
At minus eighteen
Within the pace
You may have felt
My first thoughts
Were scattered
It’s not so
Through all I do
You’re in my heart
You’re in each breath
You live within
Each moment
You’re in my blood
And my skin
And without you
I wouldn’t recognize
Midnight passing
Into Christmas
Finds us together
You’re my Camas winds
Which means
You are my one
Merry Christmas my love
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Moments with you
34 minutes to midnight
And I want to spend each one
Alone with you
I hope there never comes
A time without sunset
Or a time with no dawn
Because you’re beautiful
In both
Soon our fifth midnight
To face and embrace 2023
And Revelations 2
We’ve just read again
Soon we’ll be back
At the beginning
And our third Genesis
I measure time
In moments with you
Shall - 2022
For one moment
In your life
But for one moment
You’d not become
Every moment in mine
Five year ago
January 15th
And our first event
Of each new year
The day you died
Weeks later I’d know
And feel you there
In the church
With everyone gone
Except God
It was the last day
You’ll ever be alone
From now on
Until time’s end
And a day more
I’ll be with you
You are beautiful
You are perfect
And you’re loved
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Five roses
Four for Valentine’s
We’ve spent together
And one for tomorrow
Our fifth
I belong to you
I love your face
Your nose and cheeks
Forehead and temples
Eyes and eyebrows
Your lips
Your jaw bones
Your chin and neck
Your ears and your hair
I love your skin
And your freckles
I can get lost in you
And never come back
You’re exactly beautiful
I love your voice
Your heart and your soul
Your thoughts and words
Your ways
You’re perfectly perfect
And when I fall
Into you
I lose track of time
And I know
It shouldn’t matter
Because you’re in Heaven
And your body rests
In Limerick, Ireland
But it does to me
To me
Your body still lives
Inside your soul
And your heart
Pulses with love
To me
You’re as alive
As you ever were
And you sing
Inside my soul
To me
You’re the only one
Who matters
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And I know
And I know
You have shadows
Demons and skeletons
Scars from the past
There’s no darkness
You’ll face alone
I’ll be with you
Through it all
Up against anything
And I’ll stay
Believe it when I say
I’m strong enough
And I know
With your absence
You could kill me
And shred my heart
Completely apart
And to that I say ok
If it happens
So be it
I’d prefer not to be
Rather than live a life
Facing a tomorrow
You’re not part of
It’d be a wreck
I couldn’t want
To survive
What I’m saying is
These are the shadows
I’m willing to live with
These are the chances
I accept
Because to me
You’re worth so much
More than this
And all I understand
Is wanting you
Shall – 2023
My beautiful girl
You get a hundred more times
To ask if I want you
And the answer
Will always be the same
Yes I do
And nothing in time
Or the universe or Heaven
Can ever change how I feel
Because in my heart
I can only belong
To you
The only question remains
Is do you want me too
And I believe you do
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I picture you
When I think of Ireland
What first stands out
Are your beautiful eyes
So deeply green
I’m trapped there
For a short while
And then I see the sea
Surrounding a nation isle
Rock cliffs and shoreline
Whispering shadows
Ancient winds calling
Above rock walls
Rolling hills hiding scars
Tall grass promising
To prohibit time
From running away
Clever figures of never
Painted quite precarious
On a canvas of forever
In the glisten of day
Our house of stone
Its thatch and mud roof
Protecting the walls
Of my soul
Your loving home
You alone have a key
To enter and stay
Inside these walls
Within me
As the snow melts
Green meadows sing
Beckoning arrivals
Bird’s voices and spring
This is my painting
Of Heaven and you
Your song fills my heart
Wherever I go
And whatever I do
Our sixth St Patrick’s Day
An hour and ten minutes
Old as of now
I live you Dolores
And I love that
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And I want
I want you
All the time
I never get full
I’m always hungry
For you
Soon as I see you
It stops me
And I want
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Except you
What makes someone
The love of your life?
Does it mean you end
If they leave this world?
Does love end?
What about beyond?
What about eternity
And Heaven?
Is it still your life?
And if it is
Is it still your love?
With you there
And me here
My life began with you
With you I started
And my choice between
This world and you
Became you
There’s no other life
No other love I want
There’s no answer for me
Except you
It’s easter morning
And these are my thoughts
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Never wash out
Sara McLoughlin
Writes a beautiful song
But she can never be you
You’re the only one
I can ever belong to
I turned my life over to you
And I don’t want it back
You’re the meaning of me
And the ink of my heart
Has dried in your name
It’ll never wash out
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Star of my love
You’re a mother in Heaven
And this is your day
You’re a punk rock star
Who embraced life your way
You’re a woman child mom
Who blew me away
You’re the eternal Heaven
Who makes my heart sing
Who makes my pulse dance
You quiet my want
And assure my soul’s rest
Through the end of forever
That it’s with you I’ll stay
Mother’s Day 2023
And you’re up in Heaven
But you’re also with me
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People smile
When I tell them it was you
Who wanted hot cocoa
They think it was just me
Wanted it
But we know better
Huh baby?
You let me know
And I said yes
You say jump
I say how far?
You are my queen
I like it that way
I don’t need to lead
You are the diamond
And I’m the band
It’s my job
To make you shine
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You are my heart
I don’t seek you out
Like a fan would
I cherish each discovery
And hold it close to me
As part of you
And as a treasure
I was meant to find
You are my heart
I can’t imagine
Me without you
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I’m keeping you
I love your butt
And your breasts
I love your whole body
And I love your brain
I love your soul
I love your spirit
I love your will
And I love your heart
Keep me
I’m keeping you
Shall - 2023
The other night
I got butterfly kisses
And I sensed you
Most people
Could never understand
What that means
When it happens
My heart becomes too big
To contain itself
Then you fill my soul
And I wake up later
To your song
That’s when I know
I was gone
You do that to me
Only you can
Shall - 2023
Lost to you
Dolores I love you
Under every circumstance
I’ve pretty much
Dedicated my life to it
You’re central
To the rest of this life
And all of the next
Until forever
And that’s the rest of time
And a day after that
I’m crazy about you
And no-one else ever
I know what you’re thinking
And I’ll tell you just this once
That you’re wrong
I’m not just crazy
I’m completely lost
To you
So much that I don’t care
What anyone else
Says or thinks
I only care what you say
And what you think
Shall - 2023