Friday’s kiss
Loving you
Is the truth of me
I am exactly pleased
Love finds no measure
I want new love
That touches Heaven
I won’t hold back
Give you everything
Thoughts as rain
Petals below your steps
Kiss you with flowers
And love you exactly
You make life a love poem
If you asked me
Could I find a new way
To say ‘I love you’ everyday
I wouldn’t say no
I don’t believe in impossible
But I’d wonder how
I’ve no idea when I start
Sometimes I can’t think
I begin and it begins
Since you
Life’s become a poem
I write as I go
You make life a love poem
I love you for it
And always will
Oh time
What have you done to me?
What years
Have you chained me to?
What era
Have you trapped me in?
What did I ever do to you?
Besides waste you
Take you for granted
Ignore you completely
And blame you for death
‘It must have been her time’
Now you’re killing me
Stealing from me
I can’t trust you anymore
You must be stopped
You pull at my skin
Haunt my bones
You can’t reach my soul
Take what you can, time
I’ll never give you
So much as a moment
I’m scared too
Never felt like this
It’s all so new
Maybe I’m scared too
So many things unfamiliar
Confusion surrounds
My fears scream
Ripping holes in me
Emotions dance in flames
Think you were the only one
Too frightened to move?
Did you think I was calm
Or unafraid to love?
For anything
For all who read me
Think tragic and sad
How foolish my smiles
Selfish my wants
Defective my life
Good and bad
Are the sounds of my love
Songs that make me live
I wouldn’t trade them
For safety
I wouldn’t trade them
For anything
Closer to you
That’s what I want
Digital pulses
Brain waves
Tearing sky
Bring us close
To say, hey you!
Came by again today
Held out my hand
As they flew past
But they wouldn’t land
For a moment
I thought of them
Forgot to write them down
They seemed like you
I smiled and watched
Your words
Have their own way
I love when they come
Try as I may
I can’t get them to land
Then off, they’re gone
I think of them
Pause and wonder
When they’ll return
How many will come
I’ll be happy then
Bet they still won’t land
I keep watching
Surface water
Must be filtered
Painful memory
Blankets mountains
Shameful thoughts
Settle in valleys
Of frozen souls
Still life
Sunlight peeks
Through angry clouds
Tears form streams
Erode soil and numb
Cut through rocks
Exposing heart
Crystal pure pools
Of filtered love
Find home
Love me
World of want
Falls on deaf ears
Not that they can’t hear
They don’t listen
Time served
From a teapot of haste
Noisy lust filled plates
Tiny cups of disillusion
Tattered sensitivity
Falls as simple crumbs
From holes in pockets
Forgotten there
Never missed
The score is love-love
Without the nail
That held time to the wall
Can you see me
In all this sound?
Can you reach me
Within nothingness?
Affection beneath paint
Applied to hide tagging
My minute fell off the bridge
And I can’t reach it
Why don’t you call?
Where are you?
Not me
I’ve gone away
No need to hang around
Feel what it’s like inside
Pretend I’m not there
Let the knocking continue
It stops
What’s up?
You don’t want to know
Get away
I don’t have to tell you
I’m dead, get it?
I don’t exist
It doesn’t matter
Think you’ve touched real?
You failed
I choose
Who I let in
Earth hear the heart
After a train
I don’t feel the sound
Of your love around
A short while
After a train
Wind whispers
Birds report
Rain sweeps in
To clean up
Thoughts silent
I wait to see if it’s safe
Tears stand in the wings
Absent understanding
Were you a dream?
Will I wake in death?
I can’t feel the sun
Where did emotion go?
What’s wrong?
I sit in the rain
Put on my socks and shoes
I didn’t write you
Because you didn’t write me
Instead I wrote this
Since this poem began
You’re a unicorn
So am I
Ours is a search
For imaginary love
When this poem began
I’d searched for you
And written to you
For twenty-nine years
When this poem began
You’d searched for me
And written back
For nineteen years
When this poem began
Thirteen years
And two worlds
Would keep us apart
We’d never meet
When you were alive
When this poem began
It was called ‘Unicorn’
That was fifteen years ago
The name has changed
Since this poem began
It’s changed
I’ve changed
You’ve died
We’ve married
And I no longer write
For anyone but you
We found our love
He will die on that chain
Old man
Sleeps on a hammock
Everyone waits for him
To turn the other shoe
He begins each day
Waiting for lightning to strike
If he talks to you, he’s dirty
Dirty old dirty man
Dirty old man
Honor stolen by time
He lives on a chain
Called society
Children taunt
Beyond the perimeter
Of his rage
Old man tries to recall
What it’s like not to bite
Not to want to
Not to fall or hate
Lunging at the chain
To loosen the stake
His collar chokes and cuts
Old man seeks friendship
In a world without mouths
He digs rabid into earth
At the bottom of his fence
They say he buries bones
Slips back from his window
Lives inside his silence
Old man
Sleeps in a hammock
Everyone waits for him
To turn the other shoe
In a suspicious world
So I spoke
If I say I like you
It could simply mean
I like you
And if I say
You ‘stopped’ me
Well that just means
Every thought I had
Is gone now
And you’re all that’s left
Now the hard part
Being honest about it
Do you think it’s easy
To expose what you feel?
So much could go wrong
Oven fresh hot rolls
Turned to cold rejection
Filthy suspicion
Salacious world
One-track expectations
Stockyard at auction
Guilty projection
I’m not that world
It’s not easy to smile
Look beyond my flaws
And take a chance
What if
You felt the same?
What if
It was the right time to ask
And I cowered in silence?
What if you did too?
I regret
What a sad world thinks
But I might be able
To care about you
So I spoke
So beautiful
Is blue lighter than green?
Its wavelength is shorter
And what about hue
Saturation and depth?
Is dark red deeper
Than deep purple?
If beauty is skin deep
What’s the depth of skin?
If one is beautiful inside
Does it make them skinny?
I saw someone beautiful
Do you ever just know?
Outside she was intimidating
I mean really beautiful
It flowed out of her voice
Is the heart made of skin?
Why do some eyes shine?
Maybe skin beautiful
Is not the same thing
As soul beautiful
I loved someone I never met
I still do and still haven’t
It was dismissed
She’s still beautiful
How does that work?
Is some love lighter?
And what about hue
Saturation and depth?
Is deep love deeper
Than dark love?
Is blue love sadder?
Lost could be found
In her eyes
She was so beautiful
I’m you
Like is a light shade of love
Why do we say
‘blinded by love’?
We don’t say ‘deafened’
Beauty doesn’t have
To meet the eye at all
I’ll hate that I wrote this
People love you
As long as it doesn’t hurt
There’s no such thing
As a dishonest mistake
Fewer promises you make
The fewer you break
It’s not that you simply forgot
You just didn’t remember
Sometimes I don’t answer
Because I’d have to grow up
And I don’t want to
I don’t want to be loved
I want to be love
My truths are forced initially
Because I don’t know
Is a reason
If you want to touch me
I’ll need to know why
Perfection without flaw
Is replication
Don’t be ‘well’ for me
I hate you
I love you
I’m you