A poem about a poem
She jotted down
Glimpses of life
Some questioned her age
What she contemplated
Offended by errors
Not sophisticated
Unworthy of time
Insufficiently articulated
They couldn’t see
A simple beauty
Laid before them
Just beneath the surface
Of the sand
All the times
You looked for love
And wondered
Where it went
I offer mine forever
Until my entire soul
Is spent
I don’t know when
I stopped being mine
And became yours
But now
It’s all I live for
You’re in me
And I’ve found heaven
Before death
Which gives me new life
Which gives me new breath
You give me new hope
In so many ways
I give you myself
My soul is thunder
I seek quiescence
Yet storm
As a sun turned inward
Trembling in stillness
I know no rest
A prisoner to violent rapids
Of my own blood
Thirsty to steal
That which others own
Rhythm too silent
Too subtle to notice
Invisible to the pulse
Of humanity
At the time of this writing
Born in 57 it is 2002
I’ve been alive three years
At the time of this writing
The dust of twin towers
And the echoes of souls
Are 163 days old
At the time of this writing
Regrets of lost time
I might have spent
Being a father
I guess that’s why
I tend to overcompensate
With my grandchildren
At the time of this writing
God’s placed miracles
In my heart and my bed
Allowed me to become friends
With myself
At the time of this writing
I’ve cowered and cheated
I’ve loaned form to truth
I’ve hurt and I’ve killed
At the time of this writing
I’ve also seen wonder
That gave life to tears
After standing alone
For so long
So many years
I’ve seen
Angels in every smile
At the time of this writing
To win or to lose
Is within
The view that you choose
At the time of this writing
Before you touched me
I thought I was awake
My closeness was safe
Behind walls of protection
Layers of disappointments
Callused over time
Truth brought you close
As my walls would allow
Standing before me
Your head tilted slightly
In subtle and healing ways
You undressed my scars
One layer at a time
I opened my mouth to speak
Your fingers touched my lips
As if to say “hush”
The smile of your eyes
And silent lips
Told me it was ok
Once my fear was gone
Your intense passion
For love beauty and faith
Consumed my soul
Before you touched me
I didn’t know
I’m of the wave
The wave is good and fresh
It will not stop
Until it washes over you
Or drowns you in its wake
I’m of the wind
The wind is strong and free
It will not be halted
Without breathing life into you
Or blowing you down
I’m the forest
Though it may seem
I stand alone
Look farther to see closer
Revealing those with me
This is your call
Your purpose
Your moment
Soon has arrived
I’m smaller than God
I believe in miracles
I love
I care
I can make a difference
If you want to kill me
For that
I’ll not run nor hide
I’ll affirm my faith
I’ll stand
And I’ll fight
But I’ll pray for you
Below the street
I lie below the street
Without name
Nor origin from which I came
Unworthy of view
Per your eyes refrain
For I may just be
The haunting elusive smoke
That lies in a future
Beyond the melting
Of your own ice palace
The street has wolves and bears
Demons and packs of jackals
Among its victims lost and many
But only dead heroes
So I lie and scratch and tare
And hide to get by
Because no one lives
In the street you only survive
Once beaten and robbed
By a child
That for miles and miles
Could see no other way
Now passed over I’m allowed
And destined to lie
Below the street
My bottle
My blood
And my life
Spilled out before me
I want to challenge the world
With many thoughts
Challenge precedes growth
Growth humanity needs
It’s not acceptable
To leave well enough alone
Alone infers isolated
Humanity alone
Serves no purpose
Desperate for nurturing
Rage doesn’t want to be alone
Just acknowledged
Humanity provokes hope
Hope justifies challenge
Completing the circle
Crap can’t be created
Or destroyed
It’s to be dealt with in kind
As it is said…
“Do you see the kind of crap
I have to deal with?”
Crap’s to be accumulated
At yard sales in bunches
Stored in nooks and crannies
You can take or give crap
But you can’t take it with you
Nor should you want to
Unless you are backpacking
You can take someone’s crap
You can give someone crap
Better be willing to take it
As well as dish it out
You can recognize it
Or know when you’re in it
By saying “Oh crap”
You can have crappy days
You can have crappy weather
You might find yourself
In a crappy relationship
But if you find yourself in
A crappy relationship
On a crappy day
During crappy weather
It’s the shits
Dearest Paige
When the time’s right
Angels will embrace you
With sweater hugs
You’ll see all beauty
Know all love
And understand
Watch over
Mommy and daddy
They need you most now
They’ve lost you
Now they’re lost
You’ll be their light
You’ll lead their way
Visit them in sunset
And breaking dawn
Call out to them
From forest meadows
And mountain shadows
Let them know
You’re close at night
You’ve been chosen
And blessed for this
Mommy and daddy
Don’t withdraw inside
You could drown there
You must be together
For each other
And for Paige
Steals pictures of God
In the clouds of the sunset
Attempting to fill
The endless galleries
Of her soul
You can see them all
On the subtle expressions
Of her love
My picture is there
But the canvas is torn
Distant time
I say we’re supposed
As opposed to never meant
Existing in the path
Of distant time approaching
Revealing what you’ve owned
For so long so completely
So unaware
Be very aware
With cautious cloak
Afford no hastened effort
To know me well and true
Before that time
Or you too
Will long
For its arrival
I suppose you’re offended
By my lack of ambition
My disdain for material crap
Desire to keep my feet bare
Until the very last minute
Be a good soldier
Don’t make waves
Follow the carrot
You say, if everyone
‘Felt that way’
Nothing would get done
Perhaps, if everything
‘Was done that way’
Nothing would be felt
No pause for stillness
Beauty and God
I get by
I’m not your burden
Your responsibility
I’m beyond your control
I’m driven to be at peace
What makes your driven
Better than mine?
Fellow travelers
We each set out
Upon our own beginning
And together
With Gods love and guidance
We help each other
Discover paths to our end
Thank you for sharing
My path
From shore
I swim from shore
Toward myself
In this sea
My life
I lust for answers
Question depths
Distance and tides
Is this all that it is
To be me?
Beaten down
By relentless time
I bend my soul
A hollowed shell
To a bearing true
A thought of home
I’ll return to
I miss you sorely
It hurts most
When I’m with you
Unanswered looks
Words ineffective
To turn your heart
My arrogance
Tries to chain the wind
You are a ghost
Eden’s fragrance
Deaths tears
I miss descending
Through your lips
Beyond consequence
In a sea of your kiss
As my soul drowns
To forfeit myself
Is all I want
Yet here
In affection’s absence
I become illusion
I’m a ghost
Gods voice
I hear Gods voice
In the laughter of children
Through their innocence
Gods truth is revealed
You can hear it
If you listen
How many of us
Are tied to the past
By hate
Unable to grow
To find tomorrow
Or reach fruits
Of happiness?
How many of us
Hide in hate
Because it’s simpler
Then love or trust?
How many of us
Are humbled by hate
Longing to belong
Therefore unwilling
To stand against
Our surroundings?
How many of us
Have wasted years?
How many of us
Don’t welcome tomorrow
Because we fear
Reflection it brings?
How many of us
See hate as a path
Exclusive to our future?
Hate holds no answer
I’m sorry
Drips from your pen
Spewing precocious lyric
Rhyme and poem
Which finds my heart
Stuck as a fly to your paper
Each word in verse
Giving life as though
It were the marrow
Of my bones
I ponder the gentle touch
Of your moist breath
Your kiss on my chest
Envision your smile’s call
Guiding me home
From meadows edge
Your voice owns my desire
Renders me helplessly void
Of other consciousness
It’s as if
I am being schooled
In the arts of passion
For the first time
Caressed by your love
And honey of your pen