Tomorrow’s rose
Desperate desire
Nectars of love
Tranquility’s fire
Tomorrow’s rose
Where essence begins
Taste of want’s kiss
Burning within
Tomorrow’s rose
Symphonic score
Elusive enchantment
Submissive amour
Tomorrow’s rose
End of a quest
Home for a heart
Need’s final rest
Tomorrow’s rose
Where I’ll find you
And surrender
Said so
Yes she did
Oh really?
Said she’d never tell
Never say a thing
Oh really?
Not to anyone
Then said
She’d tell everyone
Nothing could stop her
Oh really?
Mess with her
That’d be that
Oh really?
That‘s what she said
Didn’t care who found out
No skin off her back
Not her problem
Oh really?
She laughed
Like it was nothing
And then the look
As if to say
You’d better know better
Oh really?
You better know it
Oh my!
Digital worship
Jesus exists
As a heart
In a digital world
That can’t see it’s shape
No matter how beautiful
They’re ones and zeros
Absent and hollow
Absent compassion
Hollow grace
Binary numbers
Can crush like a dog
Under a magnificent mass
Of streaming data
No matter the aggregate
They’re jagged edged stacks
Of tiny numerical blocks
Vacant dimensions
Indifferent dementia
All false and idle idols
Not to be worshiped
Not to be loved
Book of me
Jesus speaks to me
Helps me want what’s right
Not what’s selfish
I still get confused
Some they sayers
Say I replace God’s want
With my own
They’d have me
Believe them
Over myself
Would they have
Jesus believe?
Please don’t step back
I won’t step forward
For fear you will
I close my eyes
Afraid to open them
And find you gone
If I speak silence
Of what I feel
Is it deception?
Lines of my skin
Are on both sides now
Your smile glows warm
My want flees
As a fugitive on the lamb
Ambiguous teachings
Intent to provoke thought
Serve more to confuse
Than to instruct
They’re tricks
Used by teachers
Of poor caliber
To mask inadequacy
Resulting in subjects
Receiving affection
As cod liver oil
An argument for merit
Over tenure
Great teachers
Rise above poor teachings
Nurture learning as mothers
Rather than deceive
As adversaries
Feel you could do better?
Maybe you should
So someone who won’t
In 48 seconds
On a streetcar
In Augsburg
Cream skin
Auburn hair
Eternal eyes
Infinity smile
Beige overcoat
Knit winter scarf
Completely beautiful
You stared right at me
Anxiously caught
I wanted to look away
Attraction stopped me
And I couldn’t
Language alone
Separated us
A lifetime’s love
In 48 seconds
At the next stop
You got off
I continued on
I’ve loved You
Ever since
A little tired
Of people who travel
Across the world to help
When need lives next door
Is it because
You can go home?
Tired of generations
Who worship orgasm
Accusation and blame
They’re predators
Tired of killers
Identified as children
Violence is a choice
We’re responsible
For the present
Not excused
By the past
Not salaciousness
There’s no way
To share this
Without catching flack
It came to me in my sleep
Go ahead and laugh
Let’s say passion
Becomes familiar
Appetite slows
To spice things up
Try not salaciousness
All the preliminaries
Touching and tasting
Stirring long as you can
Simmer to a boil
Until you can’t stand it
Challenge each other
To stop there until later
Try not to think about it
Repeat the same
Until you can’t stop
You’re welcome
Still learning
I took down a fence
It entangled a baby deer
It’s mother screamed
It’s leg was broken
And it had to die
I heard the scream again
A cougar caught a fawn
As it tried to run away
Past the fence
No longer there
Apparently the cougar
Didn’t like the fence either
Near forty-nine years
And I still try
To affect life and death
Learning that I can’t
No matter what I do
Maybe the first fawn
Became entangled
Trying to escape the cougar
I don’t know
The longer I live
The more I learn
What I can’t do
And I don’t know
The diagonal tree
Looking down at the planet
Above the North pole
Which way does it spin?
So it’s not leaning east
Because it can’t keep up
It’s reaching for sunrise
While everything else
Is content to wait
Then a thought
What if the tree’s right
And everything else is wrong?
What if it’s accurate
And we’re only precise?
It’s never my fault
I’ll hurt you
Destroy your life
Harm your family
I’m sick and twisted
You say I’m misguided
For that
I get a free pass
You pity me
Tolerate and forgive
I get countless chances
Take my weapons
I’ll use my hands
I don’t care
Don’t touch my liberties
They’re civil
Lock me away
I’ll get early release
Come find you
It’s my system
Not yours
So embrace me
Plead for your life
It won’t save you
You’re weak
It suits your morality
To be a victim
Waiting for success
A young girl
With tangled hair
Baby in her lap
Scans the paper
As she sits waiting
In the sandwich shoppe
A glance my way
Then sharply back
To the obituaries
To see if
Her grandmother’s died
Anxious to be released
From perpetual scorn
Redeemed by the will
The only heir
She was thrown out
Told to make her own way
No more free lunch
Or dismissed responsibility
Poison placed as she left
Only killed the cat
Now she sits
And reads and waits
It’s frustrating
Live with it
It’s war
Our sons and daughters
Have gone to serve
Some will come home
To find their parents gone
Others won’t come home
Please remember
These people
Find it worthwhile
To sacrifice their lives
For you
At minimum
They deserve your respect
And left behind
Three kinds of people
Those who can’t
Those who won’t
And those who would
Stand with them
To these people I say
For the rest of your life
Remember which you are
And live with it
Picasso of passion
Splash enough words
To paint color
Leave interpretation
To you
You ask what it means
I’d ask you the same
It’s what my emotion
Means to yours
I can’t answer that
Crash diet
Inside each of us
The realm of good
And realm of evil
Not physical
Spiritual places
We feed one
And starve the other
Beware your diet
She’s not DEAF enough
The President
Of Gallaudet University
Got a cochlear implant
Now she must go
Because of a miracle
She can’t understand
What it means
To be DEAF
Too bad
There’s no implant
To resist coveting
Someone’s blessing
To the person
Who stole my guitar
Your soul lacks color
I raised that child
Over twenty years
At times it raised me
You had no right
To break that bond
It’s not replaceable
I hope it finds kind hands
To appreciate it
It’s their blessing now
Which makes you part
Of God’s plan
I hope one day
You’ll better understand
Your part
Cube root of one is one
The cube root
Of twenty-seven is three
Square root of four is two
Two from three leaves one
The cube root of one is one
Two cubed is eight
Three squared is nine
Eight from nine leaves one
The cube root of one is one
The cube root of sixty-four
The fourth root of eighty-one
Four take away three is one
The cube root of one is one
Ten to the tenth power
Is ten billion
Ten to the negative one
Is one tenth
Anything to the zero is one
The cube root of one is one
All powers of man
None of them divine
But the father the son
And holy ghost shows
The cube root of one is one
Keira Knightley
Put simply
I find your beauty
The most exquisite existing
On the face of the planet
Or beneath
Your radiant charm
Possesses warmth
Of every good thing
You advance no threat
To any love nearby
My life would expire
Before traveling the distance
Your light shines
To reach my world
My heart bears scars
From scratching at brilliance
My path’s worn heavy
My time’s weary
Still I love the light
Please God let it last
Always perfect
In you
I’ll not love you
Not that I wouldn’t love to
But my wishes grow few
And tooth far too long
When I see you
My heart achieves flight