The ‘ism options
Man prospers in proportion
To his own effort and ability
Or fails for lack there of
But it’s up to the man
The collective collects
From those who can provide
Gives subsistence as needed
Subsistence is subsistence
Which means
Just enough to survive
But really means more
If you know the right people
If you are on the inside
Government owns
Enough of the economy
To dictate the economy
One ‘ism
Offers prosperity
My mangy mutt is resting
His muzzle on my fingers
My thumb brushing
His cheek and temple
Together we sit reclined
Beneath a burgundy throw
On the television
Della Reese and Tavis Smiley
But I can’t hear them
The sound is down
It’s not important
I wasn’t watching anyway
Just sharing time
With my best friend
It’s not mange
Perhaps cancer
The vet’s not sure
We tend the pain
New medication
Made it worse
Back to steroids
After eight days
Can we reach him again?
I pray so
Three to five months
Diagnosed fifteen months back
He’s asleep at this moment
His head in my hand
Legs spasm
Sand falls from the clock
His coat is rough with scars
I have my own
It’s never if
But how your life is spent
His won’t be alone
A million frantic thoughts
But at this moment
My mangy mutt is resting
Only your path
There’s no right path
Or wrong path
Something you must do
To be happy
Something you’re not
That keeps you sad
Wherever you are
You’re supposed to be
What you do there
Is up to you
Faith in God
Is believing in something
There’s no harm in that
The crumpled sack
Lays on the floor
And I don’t care
About it being there
Any more
My heart’s legs
Are kicked from under
It’s open and amputated
His last meal
Was grilled steak
Held his head in both hands
Kissed his forehead
As his life dropped limp
Pressed mine against him
Last heartbeat checked
He might have wondered
Why outside without leash?
Why so much steak?
Why dad’s smile was forced?
But he trusted and died
Cancer hadn’t yet taken
It’s ugliest turn
He was alert and happy
With a sore paw
Blood bread crumbs
For his path
No tug of war
No lengthy walks anymore
We barked at the deer
Barked in pack bond
Smiled laughed and kissed
Snuggled and held on
It was his reason to fight
So tonight as I write
It’s cabernet sauvignon
And my glass was full
When I started
Somewhere in my smile
You can see if you look
These are my greatest loves
And my reasons to sing
My heart will rise
When it’s ready
It’s not yet
The deer
Story of a girl
In a woman’s body
Lines corner her eyes
Suggest kindness
Teeth not perfect
More like mine, true
Traces of small town
Her look managed
Unique and beautiful
It takes a moment
And a young daughter
We talk
It’s your story she says
Tell it like you want
With each exchange
The story I want, is hers
She’s extraordinary
I paint perfection
A palette of memory
Canvas of chance
Sketch of words
Approach too fast
Respond too slow
It’s a dance
I don’t know
Awkward I stumble
Startled hope disappears
Still there, I stare
Into silence cruel
I’d die again
See I lost something
I wanted so
When my days
On this Earth end
And ashes are scattered
As dust on the wind
Digested as worm dung
As mud in the sea
And settled as dust
At the base of a tree
I won’t question sad times
Good bad or glad times
Living close to the land
Or the loss of a friend
As these are all things
In the scope of God’s plan
I accept and embrace that
Which leads me to one
Final question
What’s with the potholes?
That no one knows
In my mother’s eyes
I found a child
Her starving heart
Wanting to be seen
Striking at time
Her body the vessel
And age an umpire
Who missed the call
Longing for trails
She’d no longer reach
Finally free to fly
Photos by Missy
My mind’s focused
On the girl
Who’s watching the guy
At the moment
He sees his bride
Floating invisible
About the room
She steals the magic
That enters her view
No angle she can’t find
Delight, in each instant
She captures in time
As the bride and groom
Enter the dance floor
She’s the sparkle
At the edge of the light
Did you mean it?
The question is do
The answer is yes
I do and I will
It’s unkind of you
To bind my emotions
I learned to deny thoughts
A difficult lesson
Now I know
I’m not strong enough
To survive you
I prefer surrender
Don’t know how to deal
I sabotage my defense
See where that leaves me?
You were here and then gone
Now you’re back
Will you leave again?
Are you really back?
I lack courage to trust
Or ask
At this point
I don’t trust myself
I feel trapped
I’m still learning
And I don’t understand
So yes, I do mean it
And I’m afraid
That’s all I can say
Ink of my heart
Cupid’s full quiver
Of blind arrows scattered
Void of all knowledge
The target is you
I’ve written for you
My whole life
And just didn’t know it
I don’t know it now
It will be seven years
And we’ll never meet
I’ll marry your ghost
And find Heaven